Friday, June 25, 2010

Mmmm... Breakfast.

Met SB for breakfast at Cafe Pretenchou at 49th & Penn. Yum.

Had their "Overachiever" omelette as usual: bacon, cheddar, sour cream, and horseradish.

Forgot the iPod, and the CD changer malfed, so on the way there I had to listen to NPR. Apparently the eeevil GOP somehow managed to cut the lifelines of all the poor people and unemployed people (hey, that's me!) again, which will keep us from buying shoes for our families or making payments on our bass boats. How the Repubs keep doing this despite being the minority party is beyond me. I half expected the newsreader to blame Bush out of sheer force of habit.


  1. The sub-ether carried the word 'bacon' to me...... and some other mumbles... but I distinctly heard 'bacon'.

  2. "...blame Bush out of sheer force of habit."

    Well, yeah, to do otherwise is to look in the mirror and say "hey, maybe we don't have the magic touch; maybe we took on a mess and just made it worse"...and that ain't gonna happen.

    So the best that we can hope for is to reach a bipartisan agreement that "shit happens" no matter who's on watch.

    I do see a progressive change in the overall demeanor of BO and co. Kind of a slo-mo collage from all smug and beaming like that awesome caricature that Chris Muir does into more of a wrinkled-brow, squinty eyes and with a lowered, chastened voice along the lines of "these things take time, yaddayadda".

    Listen close and you can sometimes hear it in the voices of those NPR heads too. They are stubborn and stoic of course, and they will not go gently. Remember that their attitudes predate Obama, so they will search and find their next messiah.

    But it ain't this one, and they know it now. And they know there is acquiescence and accountability ahead.

    Pretenchou, eh? See any of those NPR folks in there?


  3. You coulda' listened to Bob & Tom, ya' know. At least then you'd have heard something intentionally funny.

  4. You had me convinced, right up until you mentioned the horseradish.

    That is an evil, vile concoction, undoubtedly invented by a politician of some sort.

  5. Sheer force of habit? Naw! It's official strategy for the midterm elections -- don't you read your Democratic Party talking points?

  6. Why anyone would listen to the New People's Radio (unless one is monitoring the enemy frequencies for intel) is beyond me. You should be listing for the phrase " John has a long mustache".

  7. "Why anyone would listen to the New People's Radio (unless one is monitoring the enemy frequencies for intel"

    Right in one. ;)

    (Good for blogfodder, too.)

  8. The only problem I have with horseradish is that every kind I've tried has been terribly watered-down.


  9. "The only problem I have with horseradish is that every kind I've tried has been terribly watered-down."

    Have you tried it fresh grated off the root? I have a big patch, I'll send you a bunch for postage this fall when it's harvest time.

  10. Rob, thank you indeed for the kind offer. If I wasn't shy with my details, I'd take you up on that in a heartbeat.



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