Tuesday, June 01, 2010


A man shot three judges dead, injured another three judges and killed himself in a court office in central China Tuesday, state news said.
But... but... China has gun control laws almost as strict as those found at Fort Hood or in Chicago!


  1. This must be killing party officials. It's tough to organize a public people-crushing event with tanks without the media getting wind of it.

  2. Actually, he was a cop. Now if we could just disarm those damned cops.....

  3. Probably got the gun from one of our American gun shows.

    I blame Bush™.

  4. And the official totals for those killed by those weilding a gun will still be zero for CY 2010.

    The Politburo gets to decide what has and hasn't actually transpired on their watch.

    No doubt they will "do something," such as "doing it again, only harder," which will bring joy to the heart of only Paul Helmke and the five others in his office dancing around about the whole bit.

  5. Of course, the AK47 in question has been detained & will be tried for crimes against humanity.

    Ulises from CA

  6. It's Bush's fault, it's Bush's fault!

    Didn't the perpetrator see the "No Gun Zone" signs?

    OMG, unbeleivable. How could this happen with the amount and strictness of China's gun control laws.

    I bet the gun did it itself and the poor guy holding it was caught by surprise.


  7. Oh, you're all just misunderstanding the story. They were talking about China, Texas*, with gun-show loopholes and easy-peasy access to all sorts of guns. :)

    * I don't even know if such a town/city exists here, actually.

  8. There is a China Grove Texas. Accurately placed by the Doobie Brothers "just outside of San Antone"

    Been there, don't blink on the way through.


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