Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Didn't think this one out too well, did you?

Want to get proned out (or maybe even shot!) when answering your phone? Try making one of these Ruger LCR-inspired iPhone holders.

As ideas go, this strikes me as dumber than an acre of fungus.

People have been sparked by jittery po-po for "furtive movements" towards wallets and regular old phones that look nothing like guns, so why would you do something like this, unless your plan for your kids' college tuition revolves around a massive wrongful death settlement from the local government?

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. saw this over on Uncle. Pretty much agree carrying a look like gun is very bad idea.

    Personaly I would award a darwin award on this thing.

  2. "Can you hear me now----punk?"

  3. In some circles, edgy is its own justification. I guess.

  4. Maybe it's for the suicidal emo kids not quite brave enough to actually go through with it.

  5. I'm thinking there are a lot of folks over on the East Side who would love these things.

    And who, coincidentally, wouldn't be missed if the po-po lit them up by accident.

  6. I got a knife that looks like a little revolver, saw the cops do a 20 officer pile-on upon the ass of a drunk showing off the same knife. My knife is at the back and bottom of the gun safe, I don't care if I never see the damn thing again...

    Revolver iPhone accessory.....
    sounds about right for the iPhone crowd....

  7. There is nothing like getting into the habit of putting a gun to your head. Maybe you could rig it so pressing the trigger answers calls. Nothing like muscle memory.

    On the other hand, it WOULD get rid of those annoying Steve Jobs fanboys.

  8. Dropped my 2c on this story

  9. With all kinds of gun look alike items that we use daily (cigarette lighters, belt buckles, inter alia), is it really a shock that this came along.

    Shootin' Buddy

  10. "dumber than an acre of fungus." Now that is GOOD! And I agree with you completely.

  11. OTOH, if it sells well, it might remove a lot of iPhone users from the breeding population.

    Fellow iPhone user to friend: "Dude, you've got a sucking chest wound! Oooh, ooh, there's an app for that!"

  12. Well, the iPhone should make a good seal for one side of the sucking chest wound, as long as you press hard enough.

  13. Yeah, right? Mistaken Gunman's perforated corpse will not be so much as whisked with a hair personal responsibility, thereby circumventing any possible benefits to mankind as a whole.

    Expect legislative dictates on thermal plastics printers and gun-like object model files. After all, why would anyone need a 3D model of a gun-like object? (I'm being sarcastic. Anyone who has done a Quake/Half-Life/BF mod knows what I'm talking about.)

    Just wait until someone figures out how to feed high-carbon steel through a mini-extruder, and marries this tech with today's TPE printer. It's not that far off. Also expect the Department of Paranoia and Machineguns to become very interested in people's utility bills; tempering goes a whole lot better when the cycle is controlled by a computer, and fired by something more refined than wood.

  14. Want true realism? Get version 2.1 with the "longitudinal crack" option.


  15. Oooh! An IQ test!!


  16. Thinning the herd, thinning the herd.

    WV-aryone. Nope, officer, I ain't seen 'ary one.

  17. Tam,

    Nah, the massive wrongful death settlement just might not work out. All the .gov's lawyer has to do is stick the phone in his waistband for the jury then demonstrate answering the damn thing. Most jurors would be thinking "Hell, I'd have shot him myself!".

  18. I didn't say it was a good plan. ;)

  19. Last thing he said, "Hey y'all, watch this".

  20. The family wouldn't get a penny, because in any decent courtroom the facts would be read and then every single person in the place would stand up and proclaim, "The moron deserved it!"

    The judge could then say, "Case dismissed," and they could probably squeeze in a round of golf after lunch.

    I know, wishful thinking.


  21. You do realize that 1/2 of "the people" have IQ's UNDER 100, right?


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