Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Well, at least they phoned it in this year.

Google is cool. It goes out of its way to try and remind people of that. And like any other pretentious California hipster, Google knows that patriotism is uncool.

Do a custom logo for ANZAC Day? Sure! That just shows what a sophisticated cosmopolite you are; how aware of the larger world you are; how you know to get drunk on, not only St. Paddy's Day and Cinco De Mayo, but on Chinese New Year, too!

Do a custom logo for the day when your own nation honors its war dead? Uh... which day is that, again?


  1. Like many of the ubercool elite from other "disciplines" (think politics, media, sports, entertainment) google does seem to harbor a disdain for the system and the people who made their success -their very existence- possible. Pac Man, otoh, gets a full week of worshipful homage. Well, gotta have priorities...


  2. Bing - in spite of being a M$ product - is in fact pretty good.


  3. Many thanks for the link!

    ANZAC day didn't surprise me nearly as much as St. George Day. Shall we start a countdown on how long it'll be before they yank that for lack of cultural sensitivity?

  4. I noticed that yesterday...

    And came to the same conclusion you did. If I could handle looking at the eyesore that is Bing I'd consider switching - and while I dispise Google's politics, they're search engine is still probably the best.

    So they get my 'business.'

  5. Yesterday I remembered the run-in I had with them at google some years ago, when I took them to task for not doing something for Veteran's Day (their response? "Golly, gee whiz, we can't do something for every holiday).

    So I (for the first time in ages, what with the google-istas being such little NWO fascists and all, brought up the google home page and voila - acres of white, not graphics, no color.

    Putzes does not even to being to describe my PO-edness at them and it continues.

    What was that line from Hitchiker's? First up against the wall when the revolution came? Seems right to me.

    Speaking of google-ites, my captcha today is "welog" as in "we (google) log everything you do". Cute, Tam, how did you arrange that?

  6. I haven't used google in a number of years. Their attitude towards what I consider honorable is disingenuous at best and disgustingly dishonorable.

    There are better search engines available that cannot be gamed as well.


  7. GMAC -

    Name them please. I use google only because they have stayed mostly true to what got them to be the big dog. No ads, no filler.

    If anybody else could offer similar searches, with a minimum of excess baggage, I'd switch in a heartbeat.

  8. It is worth noting that the ANZAC day ones where only for Australian and NZ, but that doesn't excuse them from putting up something for Memorial day.

    I like that the Google one is subdued and not garish and huges like the other search engines, but they should really have given it the recognition that they give other holidays with the custom logo.

    Still I mostly like the Google interface (though the recent change adding a column to the left side of the page is a negative), so i still use them despite my semi-regular disagreements with their politics. If there was an alternative I would seriously consider it though (and no, Bing, Ask, Dogpile, and Yahoo don't really count as alternatives because of the massive stuff they add on top of the search)


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