Tuesday, June 01, 2010

How do you get a drummer off your balcony at 4AM?

Let him get drunk enough and he'll get himself off your balcony.
A 21-year-old musician has survived a fall from a New York City balcony in which his head became impaled on a spiked metal fence.
Even before I got to the bottom of the blurb, I somehow knew the dude was a drummer.

(H/T to the Mad Duck.)


  1. I thought you paid him for the Chinese food?

    Even on the East Coast it has to be illegal to pay him for the Chinese food, then to defenestrate and then to skewerate.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Drummers: They are like crabgrass. Short of napalm, nothing kills them. The problem is that both crabgrass and drummers share the same IQ.

  3. If he had fallen off the balcony of his girlfriend's crib, where he crashes until he can find a job, he would have been a bassist.

  4. You know how a drummer announces he's leaving the band?

    "Hey guys, I wrote this song..."

  5. If the nation was blasted to shards of radioactive glass, the only thing scientists predict will survive are cockroaches, lizards and drummers. Nobody knows precisely why. They just will.

  6. The sad thing is it won't affect his playing ability.

  7. Might make him play better. I'm more than a little disapointed there were no pictures.

  8. How do you get a drummer off your front porch? Pay for the pizza.

    What do you call a drummer who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.

    More here: http://www.drumjokes.com/

  9. Well, when I read your headline my first thought was "Over the railing, or use a .22"

  10. Well, they screwed up on the headline. Drummers are NOT musicians.

  11. A young chick in the Circus-Circus elevator at Gunblogger Rendezvous II noticed our long black cases and asked Kevin Baker, "Keyboards?"
    He replied "No, percussion."

  12. Is Tommy Lee living in NYC these days?

  13. More wonderful stories on that site:
    http://www.news.com.au/national/push-to-let-primary-school-kids-shoot-each-other-with-paintball-guns/story-e6frfkvr-1225874216733 under the title of "Should 12 year olds get to handle guns" with the bullet point "Kids would be allowed high-powered weapons" - the story is about paintball.

  14. Drummers may be dumb, but at least they can keep a beat and have no pretensions about intonation, unlike saxophonists. If I am ever a landlord, I will use that lease form with the saxophone clause in it. Don't forget, Bill Clinton is a saxophonist.

  15. How do you know the stage at a concert is level? The drummer drools from both sides of his mouth.


  16. I finally understand what's meant by "headbanger."

  17. You know, if this guy had some serious brain damage, it might not be so funny.

    he might end up only being able to play the banjo.

  18. And the drummer from Alaska's only got one lobe...


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