Saturday, July 10, 2010

Brace yourselves, old hippies...

...for I am about to shatter the great myths of your youth:
  • The 27 8x10" color glossy photographs with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was? They were not in color, they were actually black and white.
  • Arlo's name was not found in the garbage; Alice's husband's was, and he finked on Arlo.
  • And Arlo is now a registered Republican.

Like Dustbury said, OMG.


  1. The times, they are a'changing.

  2. People forget that if Arlo and his folk were realk Gaia-lovin' hippies, they wouldn't have been illegally dumping. What they were was averse-to-going-to-war hippies.

    Me? I have nothing against folk who love the environment and would rather make a garden, make peace, make music, and make a community than make war. I'm down with that.

    But true hippies don't do anything. And that's about as welcome as a piece of gum on the sidewalk.

  3. It is normal to be "liberal" when you are young and green and still used to mama's home cooking and the protection of your family.

    Like Woodie's boy Arlo, most young adults discover the world is not what they think it is by about the third week on the job. Or the second day of boot camp, whichever comes first.

    Unfortunately, some never get a job, and a few are mentally unequipped to make the transition to adulthood.

    Hence the perpetual sophomores currently in power.


  4. "It is normal to be "liberal" when you are young and..."

    ...your dad is slightly to the left of Karl Marx. ;)

  5. The 1930s were weird times, politically. And both Woodie and Pete Seeger put their lives on the line against National Socialism. Go figure.

    Neither ever realized that a troubador's very lifestyle is one of entrepreneurial capitalsm. You invest time, effort and talent in order to do business and make a profit; the profit is whatever's left over after the cost of clothing, food and shelter. And guitar strings...

    (And the word verification dealie is "redness". Apropos, somehow.)

  6. Just goes to show how far to the left the Republican party has moved since Patchoulli oil and B.O. were considered a fresh scent.

  7. And some peaple just have a revelation that the right was and is right! This shows that peaple do tend to get smarter when they age. Or that no matter how leftwing you were when you were in school, that by the time you reach your grandfathers age you have become very rightwing.

  8. Actually, Desertrat, Pete Seeger came out in defense of National Socialism during the days of the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact.

    He remained a zealous Stalinist throughout his career. Like most of the "anti-war" hippies, scrape away the dirt, and his hands are bloody.

  9. I despise the old Bolshevik too, but when his draft notice came, he went.

  10. I still want to know, "What IS the significance of the pickle?"

  11. Ouch Matt,
    That kinda hurt.

  12. Tam,

    In 1998 at the first "Annual Woody Guthrie Festival" in Okemah, OK, I had a chance to meet Arlo (and have him sign the cover of my "Alice's Restaurant" LP along with a "45" of "City of New Orleans").

    Thinking he would be a "raging hippie" I took the opportunity to engage him in a little smalltalk for my own amusement, and found that he was not so far from my own conservative outlook as I thought he would be. I was somewhat stunned to say the least, but it made me like his music even more than I did in high school.

    So, I have been the keeper of a great secret all these intervening years? Wow, I feel so special now that he is fully "outed".

  13. Of course the 8x10's were black and white, back then no crime lab dealt in color, it was too finicky.


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