Saturday, July 10, 2010

Do want...

This tee-shirt is made of twenty different kinds of geeky awesome. Too bad it doesn't come in a gray unisex tee, 'cause the whole pink babydoll tee thing is just so not my speed.

Heisenberg came up with his famous uncertainty principle while house sitting for Schroedinger, who would call on the phone to check on things and ask "Where is my cat, Werner? And how fast is it going?"


  1. "...the whole pink babydoll tee thing is just so not my speed."

    And of the "several" lady friends of dustbury who he says would "get it", I'm guessing your qualifier would apply to most or all. So the pink kitty/existential humor nexus is a bit of a non-sequitir, unless you buy into the whole Bryan Griffin's girlfriend thing.

    OTOH, a tactiblack model (well past belly button level please; need to keep our little friend covered. What? No, her gun, you sick bastards!) on the right model would fulfill the "babydoll" ideal for uh, some people.

    You could contact the vendor and ask about it...but of course then you'd change the outcome.


  2. "......but of course then you'd change the outcome."

    +10 geek points. :D

  3. And what about shipping? You could find out where you package is or when it would arrive, but not both.

  4. And what about shipping? You could find out where you package is or when it would arrive, but not both.

    And this is different from a normal day with USPS how? ;)

  5. These are old enough that you've probably seen them before.

  6. So much win.


  7. A friend of the female persuasion had the following posted on her FB page:

    "I combined Occam's Razor with Schrödinger's Cat and now have a shaved pussy that might not exist."

  8. yep pink on redheads or strawberry blondes is ill advised.

    My inner fashion maven lisps outraged....

    Pink! Fashion felony! Take it off at once!

  9. Tam,

    A different take on tee shirt communication,


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