Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't believe the hype.

As everyone knows, the definition of "tactical" used to be "black and expensive". But not anymore! Now it can mean "flat dark earth and expensive" or "digital camouflage and expensive"!

And who better to come up with a list of most over-the-top tactical items than the Tactical Gear Blog?

I mean, it's right there in the name.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. John Peddie (Toronto)11:06 AM, July 15, 2010

    Used to be you could buy real camo and boots at an Army surplus store.

    Anyone else notice what happens to prices when something becomes urban chic?

  2. I like the new Camo Umbrellas for tree stands that you can buy at Sportsmans Guide myself.

  3. Having a "tactical gear blog" sounds like a great ploy to get manufacturers to send you free stuff "for testing."

    (Yes, I did work for an outdoor magazine once.)

  4. That site really needs to ditch the novelty/joke items and keep to the stuff that is intended to be "serious tactical".

    As we all know, it's not like there's a dearth of silly stuff out there being offered with a stone-faced intent.

  5. I used to think of tactical as free stuff from the supply Sgt.

  6. Tactical, defines as related to the products of an outdoor product manufacturer, minimal physical exertion, or wishful thinking.

    What's the word that is going to replace it when Tactical becomes too mainstream to define it's original purpose?

  7. Blast Hardcheese12:42 PM, July 15, 2010

    I should not have looked at that while at work. Now I'm going to have a big goofy grin on my face for the rest of the day, thinking of the wonderousness of the Tactical Cheese Holster.

  8. Every Girl Genius reader knows that cheese can be very tactical.

  9. Tan is definitely the new black(and I'm ok with that,) although Multi-cam is quickly catching up.

  10. Tam, you should know that tactical can also mean bright red and expensive, judging from some ads in SWAT magazine aimed at cops. "Tactical polo shirts" - my word.

  11. At last!! A truck for Houston traffic!!

    Maybe the medical kit is a good idea, and I can go with the bacon; the other stuff, not so much.

    cap'n chumbucket

  12. Hey, the Ranger Paper was great fro grunts! Of course we used the notebooks of it. . . but I've seen checklists and such run off for field problems on the copier paper.

    Great stuff, if you think you may have to write something down while your paper is completely soaked. At least it doesn't instantly turn into mush when writing on it while it's wet. The greenish shade also didn't broadcast your presense as well as white paper, if someone unfriendly was peeking around while you were flipping through your notes, looking up the callsigns and freqs for the artillery unit.

    Of course, if you AREN'T planning on having to jot a few notes after doing a river crossing, and you AREN'T sneaking around the woods in comaflage and facepaint while possibly taking or reading notes, then it's just really expensive paper.

  13. I'm surprised the tactical titanium spork is not on the list!


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