Friday, July 09, 2010


Have you ever met a fabulist so caught up in their own fantasy that you wonder if they really believe it? Me too.

That's what made this so fascinating: Al Qaeda's Fantasy Ideology.

(Found here.)


  1. Some say Max Brooks is...

    You know, a fabulist caught up in the fantasy.

  2. I've spent a lot of time studying the world's religions, and an awful lot of them are nutters. For lethal and toxic nuttery, though, you can't go wrong with Islam, every time.

  3. I read that piece on fantasy ideology ages ago on den Beste's site and it really does help explain quite a number of people in the world.

  4. I really don't care about the motivation of the peace loving followers of Islam.

    The fights on.


  5. Right you are, Og. The sad thing is, there are quarters in the US of A that are hellbent on mainstreaming the nuttery. See Andy McCarthy's Grand Jihad for a solid explication .

  6. "there are quarters in the US of A that are hellbent on mainstreaming the nuttery"

    Hell, "we" elected one and his pack to the White House.

  7. The True Believer, Eric Hoffer. Written in the fiftes and a couple hundred pages on this topic, except back then he was talking about Nazis turning into Communists after WW2, Mao's guerillas, and the Crusades.

  8. Great. Now it's gonna take an hour to clean out my bullsh*t filter.

  9. That fantasy got played-out last night in Oakland. Cosplay run amok, with a hard edge.
    After the local speakers left the podium and it got dark, the anarchists donned their bandannas and face-masks to bash in windows, incite the thuggish rabble to steal, and set fire to dumpsters.

  10. Be honest now, tell me you didn't finish reading till after your third cup of coffee.

  11. Right after 9-11 we were discussing the event and a man I quite respect and I had a fundamental difference of opinion. He said we had to understand the Muslim mindset.

    I said what we had to understand is that they wanted to kill us for no real good reason. It didn't matter what their reasons were, what mattered is they needed to be found and killed. Anybody that would do this needed to be killed. Anyone who will hate for some event that I personally did not do to them must die. I will not give them my life because they are still smarting over the crusades. I will not give them my life because they don't approve of how our women act.
    I will not give them my life...
    I will give them two .45 rounds in their face.

    Long Live Gary Faulkner!
    He understands!


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