Friday, July 09, 2010

Push that rock uphill.

I'm not entirely certain what this Lindsay Lohan person is supposed to be famous for, other than racking up an impressive collection of frequent-flier miles in the back seat of LAPD cruisers, but I can't visit an intertubes news site these last couple days without seeing something about her splashed across the headlines.

Anyway, her lawyer has apparently tired of playing "Thoroughly Postmodern Sisyphus" and, really, who can blame her?


  1. Just another witless pop-tart.

  2. I'm actually surprised that her lawyer stayed as long as she did. Some challenging defense cases are made even more so with a client who is not only happy to be going down, but actively greasing the pole to get there.

  3. Wow, she violated the terms of her parole numerous times and now it's a "human rights violation" that she might have to sit her ass in jail for a few days?

    What a spoiled little brat who never learned that actions have consequences.

  4. In a defense case where there are only degrees of terrible, the client is NEVER happy.

    "When's my court date?"

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. As a daddy of daughters, who had to watch some Disney chick flicks, I can tell you that Lohan was a teen actress of some fame, who did what most teen Disney actresses do now [cough, Brittany]-- she went crazy.

    Apparently, she feels that serving 23 days for violating her probation on a cocaine and alcohol-fueled intentional car wreck is unwarranted.

  6. Crux of the problem:
    "According to her probation officers report, Lindsay, who turned 24 last week, was allowed to take various drugs because she has a prescription for them."

    This is just one of the ways wealthy people are enabled in their addictions. Just because someone with a prescription pad gave you the drugs doesn't mean a) it's a good idea to take them, b) you won't get addicted, c) you don't need to be in rehab.

    Unfortunately, most people don't get serious about recovery until life becomes intolerable. Hollywood types have an awful lot of people hanging around to make their addicted life more tolerable. It only takes them that much longer to hit rock bottom, because they have all these "helpers" digging the bottom even deeper.

  7. I assume the next one to end up in court and/or rehab will be Miley Cyrus.

    At least that's where my money would be, if I were a bettin' man.

  8. She was cute in "The Parent Trap", pretty in "Freaky Friday", and a decent actress in both. But then she started thinking that she was all that, got to messing with drugs, and she went straight to hell in a handbasket. And she still hasn't grown up.

  9. She can sing some. Has a potentially big Broadway-style voice (catch her performance on "Frankie and Johnny" in the Prairie Home Companion movie). Could use more training, though.

  10. She had nice ti.. freckles. For her career arc, I'd refer you to that episode of the Simpsons (IIRC the one with the time-travelling toaster) that had little flashes of Lurleen the country star, ending with she being found dead in a ditch.


  11. "Thoroughly Postmodern Sisyphus" has got to be the coolest, geeky thing I've read all month.


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