Friday, July 16, 2010

Overheard in the Office:

My roommate always has an odd stream-of-consciousness monologue going during her getting-ready-in-the-morning time. I assume it starts in the shower, because when the water cuts off in there, she's usually in mid-punchline. It often goes on for some time thereafter. Just now, wafting from the bathroom, I heard:
RX: "'Chimp. The other white meat!' no, no, wait... 'Chimp: The other long pig!'"
I'm fairly certain she's mostly harmless. Mostly.


Anonymous said...

I was inspired by this post to google "long pig" in my morning naivety (only one cup of coffee state).

Yeah... I wont be clicking those links.


Mike W. said...

Well at least you're well prepared if she ever turns into a zombie.

BobG said...

I always figured that 19th century missionaries were the other white meat.

OrangeNeck said...

You should set up voice recorders around the house to capture her daily musings.

Have you ever read "Sleep-Talking Man?"

(don't have any drink in your mouth when you read this blog)

Ken said...

"Marburg: It's what's for dinner!"

Diogenes said...

With my 60th birthday rapidly approaching, I am often deluded into thinking that I have a modicum of understanding regarding the female variety of homo sapiens. Thank you for the morning reset! ;o)

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that I'm not supposed to understand.

Joel said...

Tam: Out of concern, do you have a lock on your bedroom door?

Just asking.

Grayson said...

Matter of fact, according to one of the residents over at Sherman's Lagoon, the other white meat is actually "Poodle"

Gewehr98 said...

If she flies commercial overseas airlines, plops down next to a portly passenger and proclaims, "Dibs on the white meat!" to all within earshot, then you may have either a small problem on your hands or a roommate with a keenly-developed and dark sense of humor....

Scooter said...

Oh, man...I just sprayed coffee all over my keyboard. Now that I've heard the punchline, I would love to know what the actual joke was.

Personally, I'd hide a digital recorder or two around the place. With a little editing you could have a slew of monologgy-ish Jerky Boys skits to sell on iTunes and with some luck, you guys could have Roseholme CASTLE complete with Browncoat-manned laser turrets.

Which would be sweet.

The flip-side would be if whatever you recorded scared the crap out of you and you felt the need to sew little bells on RX's clothing so you'd always know where she was.

Which would not be sweet, but would give you some fine blogging material.

It's a win either way.

Anonymous said...

wow Tam a techno geekette that talks in the shower!! I am in LOVE!! Tell roberta she is the HOTTY!!


eeky said...

Damn, beat me to the love...

Roberta X said...

Me so fine, me so fiiine...

So, who's up for the big barbecue cookout? So tasty, you'll swing through the trees in delight!

Y'are wh'cha eat.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Ha! And you all thought Soylent Green was just a movie! We now know what Ms.X's long-term investment strategy is, now don't we? Only question: to Marinate or not to Marinate?

George Groot said...

Long pig...

Haven't heard that one in a while.

"Chimp, so delicious you'll gnaw your arm off to get to it" Coyote delicious?