Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tallest midget at the state fair.

"Social Security is the most successful social program in the history of the world," -Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
I'll take "Damning with faint praise" for $500, Alex.

Of course Harry and I probably have different ideas of what constitutes "success", seeing as how he's had his mouth on the government's teat... er... never done an honest day's work... I mean... been on the public payroll his entire adult life, and not the useful part of the public payroll, either.

(H/T to Cold Fury.)


  1. Harry is suffering from premature senility. It is no wonder his son wants to lose the Reid name.


  2. harry's come a long way since his humble beginnings, wearing his styrofoam helmet and licking the windows of the short bus on the way to school.

  3. Tam ... the only answer for both of us ... in both countries ... if we want to vote ... is term limits. No pensions, either.


  4. I cackled with laughter at the prospect of anyone regarding "social security" as being anything remotely close to successful.

    A moment later, I'm filled with a mild rage.

  5. He's right, I think. The "war on poverty" really reduced only a weal and small section of the population to dependency, and a loser part at that.

    The National Health Service, although universal, again only renders the sick into serfdom.

    No, Social Security wins. It causes dependency, allows huge expenditures on patronage, deceives its victims into thinking it doesn't cost them, embraces 100% of the population, and makes even those who aren't yet being paid kiss the whip.

  6. Successful?

    Because he gets schumucks like me to fund it?

    Because it is the only Ponzi game around backed by the violence of the federal government?

    Just because something is successful does not mean it is any good. I can think of numerous parasite examples.

    Shootin' Buddy

  7. i agree with George term limits with NO pension! Harry has been to the teet too many times.


  8. Reid's general comments reflected the same overall message to progressives that President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered earlier today.

    Well, that's as far as I got.

  9. "
    No, Social Security wins. It causes dependency, allows huge expenditures on patronage, deceives its victims into thinking it doesn't cost them, embraces 100% of the population, and makes even those who aren't yet being paid kiss the whip"

    +1. His definition of success is taking more money away from citizens and being able to use it to buy votes.

    I suppose that would be my definition of success when it comes to Social security and other welfare programs if I was a corrupt politician, too

  10. second (third? whatever..) staghounds.

    I'm not convinced it was ever seriously intended as anything *but* a vote-bribing scheme for the New Dealers... as which it's been quite successful.

  11. Can someone explain to me again why the NRA supports this fool? And no, I don't buy the "Sen. Majority Leader Schumer bit" either.

  12. The NRA is a single issue organization.

    And of course Social Security was a vote buy system, from the start. As were its Bismarck and Lloyd George progenitors.

  13. I'm really looking forward to voting against him this year.

    His son is doing his level best to separate himself from his dad as much as possible. Love it.

    Dirty harry's attack adds on Sharron Angle makes my inner wookie want to jump up and clap. He's got a bunch of qutes form her saying things like social security is a failed program that needs to be gotten rid of and its not my job as a senator to make jobs. Fun stuff.

  14. Term limits with no pension, AND castration to limit offspring and induce membership in the DC Acapella Quartet.

  15. I am not going to go into why term limits are foolish yet again (I know at least some of you have seen me rant on it) other than to note that I would really like to have a bunch of the politicians that voluntarily termlimited themselves out as part of the Contract w/ America. (Gresham's law appears to apply to politicians).

    But term limits AND no pension? Are you quite mad?!?! You're going to tell every politician that he has X years and no more to fund his retirement via hook or crook? What utopia do you live in that this would not result in widespread and massive corruption?

    I believe there are honest and honorable politicians; but crooks go into politics for the same reason they rob banks - that's where the money is. The solution proposed is the rough equivalent to posting no-carry at the door to the bank.


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