Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I always feel like...

...somebody's watching me.

I'm beginning to think Orwell was an optimist.


  1. "I'm beginning to think Orwell was an optimist."

    I came to that conclusion years ago.

  2. Great. You know...the ice cream truck has looked very suspicious this past summer... :)
    Oh, and now I've got that song stuck in my head!

  3. I always thought the guys with tin foil hats were the nut cases..... NOW I have to line my whole house with tin foil just to keep Big Brother out!

  4. Fortunately the supreme court has ruled that similar IR searches of a home is inadmissible in a court of law.

    Unfortunately, America doesn't have any courts of law left.

    Fuzz would just shoot you and claimed you drew your heater (which surprisingly you will have no record of owning and doesn't even have any fingerprints on it.)

  5. Going full tin, just turned on the radio and the police "I'll be watching you" was playing... Oh cr@p...where did I lay my dangerous coyote vest and rifle???

  6. earworm. Damn you.


  7. "Fortunately the supreme court has ruled that similar IR searches of a home is inadmissible in a court of law."

    Not exactly. In Kyllo the Supremes did rule that thermal imaging was a search requiring a warrant.

    If you got a warrant, you might as well thermal scan on in.

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. My current earworm with respect to this story runs more to Bruce Cockburn than The Police (not that I would ever advocate such a thing).

  9. Good thing is, they can't have too many of these vehicles YET, but time is running short. One last chance this election, but I wouldn't put it past Barry, Nancy and NRA-Backed Harry to try to declare the November Election results "Null and Void" if they lose. Of course, there are those who laugh at us who have buried stashes DEEP in the Woods where these vehicles can not get to. Not that they might be needed, of course. The extras are just safe in case a Tornado or Fire destroys my home, you understand ; )

  10. We were using these on my last deployment to the sandbox. I don't know how well they work in cooler environments, but in 120+ weather, they are only effective for about 30 minutes before you have to shut them down for a while.

  11. Better get one of these:

  12. Do you think somebody should tell the government that 1984 wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual?

  13. "Detects substances containing low atomic number elements such as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen"

    Time to start carrying around bags of fertilizer and sugar just to screw with them?

  14. Go through it every time I cross the US canada border, which is three, four times a year. Figure eventually I'll begin to glow like a lightningbug's butt.

  15. this one really freaks me out,8599,2013150,00.html?hpt=T2

  16. Why of course people are watching you! What do you expect with your recent blogging landmark?

  17. 1. What's In That Snowball, Crispus Attucks?

    I find it particularly hilarious that at 2:32, the BSV is about to drive across the site of the BOSTON MASSACRE.

    2. If George Orwell were still alive, they would be watching him!

  18. Scary stuff. Hey, I emailed you.

  19. This is going to make SHTF storage a bit more interesting.

  20. All I can add is the captcha I got:


    Seems fitting.


  21. I guess it makes sense you could, but it kinda freaked me out that you could see the people's lungs.

    In that truck picture, with 5 people's backs to you, you can clearly see darker areas where their lungs ought to be.

    I can see it now - they check to see if you have a gun, or any contraband, then tell you to go get a check up for that mass in your left lung.

  22. that the EPA is officially going to go after lead bullets, I guess the Waco-heros can get geared up for some REAL busts, hunh?

    "Hey, Vinnie did ya see that lead shadow in the car that just went by? Bust 'em guys!!! Take 'em down,boys. Shoot those lead lovers when they ree-sist. Remember, it's all for the children. Papa Obama say so."


    "ingesse" Yeah, right. Engesse rifled Federal Lead. 'Effing left wing nazi Nation, coming up.

  23. Just need a little gov-on-gov regulation.

    Time they get through with the red tape, impact studies, licensing, permits, hearings, remediation, restitution, liability insurance, and an unending snowstorm of paperwork...

    they'll uh, see right through their own folly and sell these rigs to the Good Humor guy.


  24. Um. Wow. Who do I sue if I develop cancer? In medical circles the operating principles are benefit versus risk and ALARA (X-ray-wise) As Low As Reasonably Achievable. So who gets to decide my maximum permissable dose for the sake of national security? Do I get sent to live someplace special when I reach my lifetime limit?
    WV genis- a dyslexic genius

  25. In a related story, every time you leave your house and look up you should smile because you're on Candid Camera.

    That was covered by Reason a few years ago. I suppose it took this long for bureaucrats to have heard of it.

  26. Rock well, and rock on.


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