Thursday, August 26, 2010


The National Shooting Sports Foundation would like you to know that
With the fall hunting season fast approaching, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Lisa Jackson, who was responsible for banning bear hunting in New Jersey, is now considering a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) – a leading anti-hunting organization – to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, a law in which Congress expressly exempted ammunition. If the EPA approves the petition, the result will be a total ban on all ammunition containing lead-core components, including hunting and target-shooting rounds. The EPA must decide to accept or reject this petition by November 1, 2010, the day before the midterm elections.
This would make me want to get my wookie on. This would make me want to saddle up and bust caps. If the .gov was wondering what it would take to turn me into a wild-eyed militia kook, well, they've found it.

Naturally, the NSSF stresses the reasonable, Fudd angle, telling you to write your unaccountable, unfireable, unelected EPA bureaucrat and tell them
* There is no scientific evidence that the use of traditional ammunition is having an adverse impact on wildlife populations.
Which is, I suppose, more diplomatic than what I would want to write, which would be more along the lines of
* There is anecdotal evidence that the banning of traditional ammunition would have an adverse impact on government bureaucrat populations.


  1. That time of which Ms Wolfe spoke...

  2. I am wondering what will happen when they show up and drive past rows of people with hot boiling tar, and feathers.

  3. They just KEEP toying around with issues that make me want to "go militia" on them. It's just a matter of time before they step over the line.

  4. Well the EPA has conveniently compiled the addresses of their various offices here, so you can send them letters showing your disapproval.

  5. Woke up at 4:30AM feeling the same way. In California we've had a semi lead ban (IT'S FOR THE CONDORS!) for awhile.

    The feeble condors just keep dying though. Probably from broken hearts for having live and work in such a.....

    Saddle up the squirrels Chewy!

  6. I for one am shocked at this (not)! The EPA has a hidden agenda designed to disarm the population (how utterly classic)? Is the EPA headed by a bunch of appointed, left wing, pacifist loving, gun hating, car hating, freedom hating, radicals?

    Can I get a hand raise of all of those who didn't see this coming? ~Looks Around~ Yep...not surprised by that.

    It's been a real threat for a long time I've been saying it for three years now, it's not the guns they are going to ban, it's the batteries


  7. "* There is no scientific evidence that the use of traditional ammunition is having an adverse impact on wildlife populations."

    Sounds like they need more range time.I'd imagine any type ammuniton would have a slight adverse effect on any wildlife shot in the heart/lung box.

    Hungry now,whats for dinner

  8. Classic Cass Sunstein.

    That asshole will be the death of the Constitution yet. Congress specifically exempted ammunition in the text of the statute. Howinhell does Jugears think an executive-branch authority can supersede the clear intent of the legislation?


  9. It just might be time to get the giant squirrel cavalry ready over this incident.

  10. I'm gonna need me a big motherf^(#&ng squirrel.

  11. Yeah, but if you talk about an ammo ban, yo're a crazy wookie-suit-wearing gun nut...

    WV: multi: we're gonna need multi-ple ropes, multi-ple vats of tar, and multi-ple bags of feathers.

  12. They (The Center for Batshitcrazy Diversity) lost this same thing in Committee in California. It was killed in Committee because the Department of Fish and Game wasn't fooled anymore by the crap-science.
    Now they want to pull an end-around and get the EPA to endorse their pseudo-science. The danger is the EPA is composed of fellow travelers of the Batshitcrazy Eco-Religion.

  13. Side point, RNS had this to say:
    "That nobody in the White House saw fit to stop EPA from trying TO BAN AMMUNITION, of all things, (or to stop CBD from filing the petition in the first place) speaks volumes to the actual incompetence wandering those halls. At least force EPA to delay consideration of it until after the election? Anybody? Bueller?"
    So the question becomes is he right? Incompetence? Or are they so devoted to their 'ideals' that they don't care what damage it does?

  14. Yeah, if you don't like it, you shouldn't have voted for Ms. Jackson.

    Oh, wait...

  15. When British troops marched on Lexington and Concord their objective was to seize and destroy powder, lead and firearms in the possession of the citizens in those towns.

    Some folks don't seem to recall that lesson from their grammar school days.

  16. Actually you will do nothing except posture and bloviate. Then when the ammo manufacturers come up with a substitute (at two to three times the current price) you will buy it. You'll get all snarky and cutesy with "wookies and squirrels" comments. You'll thump your chests and quote the founders.

    And when the authorities demand you turn in your lead?'ll comply...

    You see...the 600 pound gorilla that nobody mentions in the faux outrage on these blogs is that a revolution or restoration is going to involve killing...

    So who lives?...and who dies?

  17. "And when the authorities demand you turn in your lead?'ll comply..."

    Wow, you know me too, too well. I'm gonna take all that lino metal I've been storing for years and just blithely take it down to the return center and turn it in.

    Faux outrage indeed. Swing by when it happens, Anonymous. More of us than you think are capable of more than you think.

  18. Yeah, sure thing anymouse.

    You lefty trolls always assume that everyone is as gutless as you are. We aren't going to rely on a compliant military and LE community to round up the kulaks, even if we were going to round up kulaks. If there's dirty work to do, we aren't ashamed to roll up our sleeves and tackle it.

  19. I'm old. I'm above the age where my offspring (theoretically, had I had any) need rearing. I've provided well for my dependents and family. When the tyrant threatens my country, I, and those of my generation will go out to meet him at the hot gates and stop him. If we cannot stop him, we will slow him down to give those behind us time to mobilize. And they will stop him if we did not.

    wv=terre. Fitting.

  20. I'm thinking Anonymous is right in essence.

    There's not going to be a round-up. They'll just ban future manufacturing of lead ammunition.

    No one's gonna knock on your door. No one's gonna start shooting. If this passes, it'll pass without a stir and they'll get away with it as they always have in the past.

    Is it wrong? Yes. Do they deserve retaliation? I think so. Will it happen?

    Well, just look at the track record.

  21. sure, you can have our lead based ammunition. you may find the method of tuning it in to unhealthy. at least its sanctioned by the bill f rights.

  22. how many trees do a 140,000,000 nooses need?

  23. Hi folks:

    Thought I'd check back in...

    Gudris....Today is as good as any to die....but I think I'll pass...

    Og.....I think that you and me may be the only people who actually know what a linotype is.


    I don't see a whole lot of difference between democrats and republicans. There's not any difference between the calling me a leftist troll doesn't make much sense....Actually, I'm a registered independent. I plan to vote against incumbents in November.

    John H.....You get it.

    My name is Roby....I used anonymous because it was easy and I didn't lose my train of thought.

    Let me make this clear. Violence is personal. It's old testament...
    And given the record as mentioned?

    I don't see it.....


  24. You'd be surprised how many here know what a lino is. I never got to actually use one, though I fixed a few. I have set type by hand.

    Violence is personal indeed, and I have the scars to prove that I know it. I know a lot of the people here, too, and I know they do also. As I said: More of us than you think are capable of more than you think.

  25. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


  26. Up to this point, We the People have not been pushed DAILY. Everyday a new outrage. Add to the fact economic turmoil, And a new titled class who thinks we are livestock and treats us as such, and you have a powderkeg.

    Outlawing the ammo supply is defacto outlawing firearms. And Casus Belli.

    But maybe that is what they want.

    “He (Obama)can’t be bought, bullied or negotiated with… some people just want to see the world burn.”
    — Alfred (Michael Caine) speaking of the Joker, in The Dark Knight (2008)

  27. * There is anecdotal evidence that the banning of traditional ammunition would have an adverse impact on government bureaucrat populations.

    Marry Me Tam?

    It's only been 8 months since my last proposal.

  28. Marry Me Tam?

    Hey, get in line buddy.

  29. This is a shit stick. It is only there to stir up trouble. The pro-2A groups probably already have the legal challenge planned all the way to SCOTUS.

    That being said. On the off chance that I am wrong, and this turns out to be a real threat, a little trip to the local firearms emporium is in the works to stock up on (evil dreaded lead core) ammo.


  30. -->petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) – a leading anti-hunting organization – to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976

    I think it is time for us to take a page from the note-books of our green ELF friends.

    I think that we should find out more about our dear friends at the CBD and teach them that Humans for Humanity First are displeased with them. And that we are better at our crafts than they are. And that if they think that they are no better than animals then that we should be happy to treat them like animals.

    -Really, Really Angry Guy.

  31. @Robert I've been in line for about 3 years. Of course she's way too intelligent to take me seriously...


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