Friday, August 27, 2010

Lead and Circuses.

American Hunter has an article up by winnah-and-champeen Iain Harrison featuring some behind the scenes gossip from the set of Top Shot.

(Thirty-three days with no books or intarw3bz? Dude, there is no way I could have hacked that; I'd have been a shaking, gibbering mess no more than 72 hours in...)

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. We were allowed books of a religious or spiritual nature, which meant bibles and in my case a book on zen.

  2. Books of a religious or spiritual nature? That means they should allow anything by Jeff Cooper and biographies of John M. Browning, right?

  3. Wow. Yeah. A complete lack of books and music for a solid month would pretty much drive me right off the deep end - for that alone, I respect the guys who made it to the end...

    I wonder if they would buy "Stranger in a Strange Land" as being "religious in nature"...

  4. No books or internet?

    I see what their plan is, they're going to bore me to death...

  5. "NMM1AFan said...

    No books or internet?

    I see what their plan is, they're going to bore me to death... "

    Didn't they already with the show?

    WV: surli - kinda how I've felt all day

  6. The idea behind "no books, tv, internet" and all the goodies is that it forces you to interact with your housemates, whether or not you particularly want to. The house gets to be about as big as a shoebox after just a couple of weeks.

  7. I think I would record and save it if Tam were on the show. Can you imagine the snark that would slip out? Priceless!

  8. Reading Iain's comments gives me more impetus to watch the rest of the series one of these days ...


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