Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bzzt! Thank you for playing! Try again later!

Coming on the heels of an 8-year run by Democrat Bart Peterson, Indianapolis Republican mayor Greg Ballard's election was hailed by some as the beginning of a new era in Indy politics. I mean, here was a local mayor who rented tables at gun shows to pimp his bona fides...

Since then, he has jacked taxes, flung money at sports teams, and hired an anti-gun Public Safety Director from frickin' New York, of all places.

Having sidled out on a limb and sawed his base off behind him, one wonders what'll happen in '11. Me? I'll be throwing my vote away on whatever unelectable loon the Libertarians offer for a candidate, I reckon, unless (for starters,) Greg fires Frank Straub and sends him back East to pester Empire Staters.


  1. If there were a conservative Democrat running against Ballard, I'd break ranks and vote for the Democrat.

    But as long as the likely Democrat candidate is Melina Kennedy, that's not really in the cards.

  2. If you want an LP candidate on the ballot in 2011, even as a "none of the above" kind of option, please vote for Mike Wherry for Secretary of State in 2010!

    The way it works in IN is that if a parties candidate gets 2% of the vote in the Secretary of State race they get recognized as a minor party and get ballot access at all levels for the next four years. Without that ballot access candidates would have to get signatures to get on the ballot and that makes it hard to participate in the process.

    If you don't have really strong feelings about the Secretary of State, please vote for Mike Wherry!


  3. quote: "Greg fires Frank Straub and sends him back East to pester Empire Staters. "

    But I don't want him BACK!!

  4. And in breaking news from Mordor, King Richard has thrown in the towel... Daley has announced he would not seek a seventh term re-election as mayor.
    Hmmm... the devil you know versus the the devil you dont.

  5. Ballard is, no doubt, a good Republican of the Michael Steele/Lindsay Graham pattern.

  6. McVee, any bets as to who will still be running the Democratic party favor books and holding everything in Chicago by the family jewels?

    I live only a few tobacco fields away from Hartford CT, where they are in the process of sending their mayor to prison for a loooong time.

    It doesn't really matter, as, barring the downtown hotel/concert/convention district the entire sleepover population is on welfare or drugs, or both, so Mayor Eddie will be permanently replaced by another People's Party apparatchik, but still, it has a certain charm.

    How's the classic old line go? Tree, rope, politician. Some assembly required.

  7. Ed,

    "McVee, any bets as to who will still be running the Democratic party favor books and holding everything in Chicago by the family jewels?"

    Oh, you cynic, you! ;)

  8. New Yorkers (and Californians) should come with visa and green-card requirements - but Dailey not being Mayor of Chicagoland is like Putin not being President of Russia, both are still the man behind the curtain.

  9. Pity we can't have Toto pull the curtain back.

  10. "New Yorkers (and Californians) should come with visa and green-card requirements -"

    Hell, we let 'em spend the Monopoly® money they got from selling their 1br/.5ba bungalows in New Caliyorkia out here in America as though it was real greenbacks, and look where that got us!

  11. Ed: "McVee, any bets as to who will still be running the Democratic party favor books and holding everything in Chicago by the family jewels?"

    Rahmbo? ;)
    Seriously, Daley's entertaining but I'd watch what Madigan does/say's.

  12. I saw Rahm Emmanuel touted as Daley's replacement.

    Any chance the Feds could declare Chicago an election-challenged zone and put federal observers at all the polls?

    On the flip side, also saw something yesterday about a look being taken at the Philly voter rolls and the lookers finding a registered voter who was born in 1825.

  13. Tam,
    Do us empire staters a big hoosier favor and keep the jerk. Maybe if you string him up it will teach him a lesson.


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