Monday, September 27, 2010


They turned summer off like a switch.

Went to sleep with the windows open at Roseholme Cottage last night and awoke to a distinct chill in the air. Forty-somethin' degrees and dry as an old bone.

It's been darn near drought conditions here in central Indiana this past month or two, and there's a burn ban on. The ragweed pollen has reached the point that even someone as nonreactive to it as I am is beginning to feel a mite sniffly. Some rain would be nice.


  1. Tell me about it. I was actually late to work this morning because I left the windows cracked last night and couldn't convince myself to haul my bare legs out from under the nice warm covers.

  2. Direct evidence of climate disruption AAAHHHH!!!!! Please send money to Al(manpig)Gore this seasonal must be stopped.pergant

  3. Sorry should read seasonal change.I am a really bad typist

  4. My thermometer tells me that at 1100hours it's a whopping 57 degrees in my particular spot of DeeEffDubya. Just over half what the temperature was a week and a half ago at this time of day.

    Traditionally, we do have four seasons here- December, January, February and Hell. Obviously, someone left the refrigerator door open last night.

    wv= mingness. Bow to his Mingness,peasant.

  5. They turned it on here. After 60's and 70's all summer, we get hit with 90's.

  6. It was 106 yesterday, in the shade. Wish I could send you some of it. Free!
    Ulises from CA

  7. Hmm... we are still in the upper 80s which is a nice change from the mid 90s of the past few weeks. Of course Florida is like that.


  8. Trade ya! We had frost advisories the last couple of nights on top of the flooding.

    Phone and internet's been out at the house for about three days now...

  9. Hi Tam,

    114 degrees this afternoon in beautiful downtown Mohave Valley, Arizona. A good ten degrees cooler than summer.


  10. Need some precip? 6" of snow coming right up.

  11. It occurred to me that, no matter how spectacular the leaves are on the trees, it doesn't really turn the corner into autumn until I see a carpet of that yellow and red flame on a wet street.

    Yesterday was that day, up here in the Finger Lakes.


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