Monday, September 27, 2010

The Nancy Who? Mysteries.

Mobocracy is bad enough when the mob in question knows what they're doing. When they're utterly clueless, it is flat terrifying:

And I realize that the video in question was targeted to make Obama voters look bad but, really, I have no doubt you could have grabbed some from the Dead Elephant Party whose ignorance was every bit as appalling.

(H/T to GunRights4US.)


  1. Gah! I can't watch this.... too much concentrated stupid in one place.

  2. It's kind of nice to know that stupidity is spread across all
    sex, gender and ethnic groups. Our country really has come along way.


  3. If ignorance was wealth America would be opulent. Progressive programs in schools are working,every one of these people have fewer then 3 functioning brain cells.I am amazed they made to maturity without serious injury.

  4. staghounds,

    "Framing works!"

    The thoroughness of the Emmanuel Goldsteining of Palin leaves me agog.

    I've cooled on her considerably since the middle of '08, but for reasons that I discovered on my own, not because of Tina Fey.

    The "Russia" thing in particular chaps my ass. I wonder how many of those "Ha ha Palin's stupid" kids are even aware of the previous titleholder of Alaska?

  5. 18 years old, born in the U.S., register to vote when you get your Grown-Up Driver License, then call for an Absentee Ballot. I know the Founders wanted an electorate that was a little more "Engaged" that what we have now. And I know that denying the Vote to Women, Indians, Teenagers and Paupers wasn't the right path through our 21st Century Hindsight, but there HAS to be a better way to have an election than allowing these Idiots to ruin the Republic. I must admit, Heinleins' "Starship Trooper" way sounds more and more appealing to me the older I get.

  6. I concur you would get the same waterheaded response from some Republicans, however, the troubling thing I have noticed during this administration is many of these typical O supporters are so aggressive, and bullying in their parroting of very meager political knowledge. These people are truly prepared to run through a wall with their misinformation, probably because they have so little capital invested in the game right now. I believe as you build more wealth and responsibility you tend to seek knowledge of those who make your rules.


    John Ziegler also conducted polling of Obama and McCain voters. IIRC it was a "who said what" style of poll. McCain voters where much better at IDing quotes.

  8. When this video came out almost two years ago, Obamamania was still at its peak. I wonder what these same people would say if they were interviewed today.

    Mostly, I suppose they would say whatever the networks are telling people these days. Watching this again fuels the pessimism I try to avoid.

  9. I suspect that a similar result would occur up her in the Great White North. (The "Russia from my front porch is gospel" here.)

    Equally, I wasn't the least bit surprised that I knew all the correct answers ... but that's because I fervently believe that what happens to you in America ... or what America does ... is critically important to us Canucks.

    Still ... the ignorance ... stupidity is maybe a little over the top ... remains scary. Far too many of our voters can't pass a reasonable knowledge test ... and I don't know that it's ever getting better.

    Suck it up, America. Dear Reader has to go in 2012. You're just going to have corral your own bunch of stupids. (Take pain meds and call after January.)


  10. I'd like to move the voting age back up. I'm 21, and people my age are retarded. Make it 25, everyone votes when their 25. The amendment needs to be repealed, with no draft you really can't complain anymore.

    Except we've been indoctrinated into the "living=franchise" school of democracy. Forget the actual effects of this policy. God forbid you bring up that when the franchise was restricted to white males of a certain age and certain assets we had Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson instead of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

    I'd be good with raising the voting age. I'd really love having an asset qualification or some kind of "no taxes, no vote" thing.

  11. Aghh. Shortly after issuing a blanket statement of stupidity, I type "their" for "they're". Karma sucks.

  12. I have no doubt you could have grabbed some from the Dead Elephant Party whose ignorance was every bit as appalling.

    Absolutely true.


    One party is constantly telling us that they're chock full of smart people who know what they're doing and smart people who respect education unio... programs and science and tolerance and all that smart stuff should vote with them, otherwise you're a moron. Oh, and they have a Vice President with an IQ that's higher than yours. Just ask, he'll tell you it's so.

    This video does a great job at puncturing that myth.

  13. Britt--and you have two comma splices.

  14. Speaking of the Starship Troopers idea, could you imagine a debate between Col. DuBois (ret) and Prof. de la Paz debating about the optimum system of government?

  15. I agree Tam. My flaming liberal friends are STILL quoting SNL and truely believing that Sarah Palin said it all. Granted, one of these I speak of still believes that Obama is giving her free healthcare, and both of them stand firm on their conviction that Obama care "IS NOT SOCIALISM". So, I guess we have to consider the source.

    I do not claim to be all that smart myself, but it seems to me that Americans (and probably the entire human race) are getting, on average, less intelligent as time goes by.


  16. As the old gag goes: "The total intelligence on the planet is a constant. The population, however, is increasing." ;)

  17. dysgenesis....the tendency of the less intelligent portions of a given population to reproduce more prolifically and help in lowering the average IQ of that population...

  18. I blame the Establishment Media, a clergy who intercept and interpret the data of events: Would you believe this analysis came from a book about the NRA?
    The claim being advanced here, by assumption, is that journalists can truly convey or interpret the nature of reality as opposed to the various organizational versions of events in which journalists must daily traffic. The claim is incredible and amounts to a Gnostic pretension of being "in the know" about the nature or reality, or at least the reality that matters most politically...
    An ecclesiastical model most appropriately describes this elite journalistic function under mass democracy. Information is the vital substance that makes the good democracy possible. It allows, as it were, for the existence of the good society, a democratic state of grace.

    The witlessness on display is provided by that class of intermediaries, the JournoClergy - and you know what Marx said about religion, these people are heavily opiated.

  19. This is absolutely amazing; so many stupid people in one place. Almost all of the news media spreading lies about Republicans and refusing to report the truth about Democrats. It's no wonder the Tea Party is spreading like 'Wild Fire' regardless of the attempts to 'stamp it out' by the Liberals and the Major News Media...

  20. This is all amazingly relevant to what Joe talks about in these posts: and

  21. "Dear Reader has to go in 2012."

    True there, George. And I agree with you that willful ignorance is a more accurate assessment than stupidity. More ominous too; nothing more dangerous than smart, clueless sheeple.

    But I also agree with Tam that the 'pubs' and their faithful are at this point indistinguishable in any meaningful way. And further that Palin has no chance of effectively adminstering the fundamental restructuring - or destructuring - of gov that is not just desireable but (I believe) critical to the survival of the USA AWKI. But still, dude:

    "Suck it up, America."

    That chafes some, considering. Ya'll pull your heads out of your collective (heh) socialist ass and don't worry so much about what goes on down here and we will reciprocate by not worrying, or meddling, or coddling, or effing caring, except in a neighborly way, what the eff ya'll do.

    And while we're at it maybe we could adopt the same bilateral MYOB approach towards every damn where in the world other than to keep a telescopic eye and what-if strategic crosshairs on the myriad loons who, in spite of or because of our last hundred years of paternalistic jingoism, want us good and dead.

    That'd be great, see, because solving and resolving this whole identity crisis of ours of whether to be Nanny or Big Brother to the whole damned world is critical to solving and resolving it within our own borders...and within our selves.

    Yep, that'd be great. But right now I don't see it. Because that little survey there was a hell of a lot more accurate and indicative of our electorate than even jaded and cynical pessimists like me want to admit.


  22. I've known a lot of Obama supporters, and this bunch is actually pretty typical, to tell the truth.

  23. Hi AT;

    Don't worry about throwing the occasional word bomb over the border. I have little enough respect for my fellow Canucks as it is.

    The American Imperium can only survive when Americans embrace that reality ... as the core Romans did. Once you do, what has to be done, the way(s) to do it, the resources to do it ... all become manifestations of the will. But you have to have the will.

    Can you back off from the world? Of course ... but history will tell you what's next on the menu when the rear guard steps ashore.

    The enemies of enlightenment, democracy, liberty, etc. are there; they are relentless and they won't give up.

    Does it all come down to a simple choice of death by mudslide or on a funeral pyre? For warriors, the choice is simple; for their families ... not so much. Masada?

    Thought provoking comment, AT!


  24. Have you seen this?

  25. Two quotes sum up the video and the gist of every response:

    "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."



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