Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Everybody has different nightmares, I guess.

I had a dream that left me shaken last night.

I dreamed that I had made some blatant, awful spelling or punctuation error right smack in the middle of my top post, and I couldn't fix it. Everybody was laughing at me.

This is obviously some strange variant on the "public speaking while naked" dream genre.


  1. Hmmm. Vell, von must tink vhat vun must tink, on dese madders. Jhoost vemember, it vas only a scrreen.

  2. Y wory abot things that cud nver hapen?

  3. Sure beats the one with the accordion and the goats.

    WV: Grila. Thankfully, I never had a dream about a grila. A blue-balled vervet monkey, yes, but not a grila.

  4. But at least there aren't any errors in this entry of yours, right? :)

  5. I still have this one.

    Wakes me up in a cold sweat every time.

  6. Accordion and goats. Wow. Og wins.

  7. Ed Foster,

    Nah, that was that '80s teen girly movie, Pretty Smart. I liked the bandaids for sunbathing, myself.


    With the deliberate misuses you throw in, about tee wee and interwebz, how would one recognize an accidental misuse? Since your goal is not to establish an erudite and scholarly reputation (you have that already), look at anyone that ridicules you for communication skills as a self-identified anti-gun protester and disrespectful troll.

    Do your best, as you do, and accept the results. You might investigate correcting anything that seems "write once" on the order of pulling a trigger, other than that, enjoy.

    Blessed be.

  8. Maybe it's because you write naked?

    No, not literally, you sickos...Tam told me once she never uses spellcheck; what she puts out there is raw from the keyboard. As one who enjoys the language and its mechanics - not to mention its poetic evocation - I have never ever seen one person produce so much quality content with such perfection. So sleep well, Lady.

    Now, as to the naked on the podium thing...I'm gonna need some visuals on that one to speak to its true meaning, please.


    wv: disem...if you can't beat 'em, dis 'em.

  9. I'm with Nathan. 20 years later and I still dream that I have to go back to college because I missed a math class.

    At least you know Tam that we won't laugh at you for typos since any blogger worth his or her salt has their fair share of 'em.

  10. My most recent nightmares (yes, I have them frequently) involved guns that wont fire or having to stick my 1911 into my belt 'cause the only holsters in the box are for revolvers. I gotta get a life.

  11. I was prone to nightmares as a child and had some whoppers. I remember some of them, like the one where I was chased by the giant spider from Gilligan's Island. Now, it's funny because that giant spider prop was rediculous, back then I couldn't get away from it no matter what.

    In my earlier adult life, I was a 10 feet tall, bullet proof, US Marine. I didn't have nightmares, I WAS the nightmare if any monsters of any sort accidently wandered into my dreams.

    Now, I'm turning 40 this year so I'm no longer bullet proof, and I have two pee-wee little girls (3 and 6) that live with their mom but I have them every weekend. Happily, I'm still the nightmare of any monsters that happen along, just ask my 6 year old. She will tell you that she doesn't have to be afraid of monsters at Daddy's house because Daddy cooks and eats them for dinner. However, the nightmares I have now are much worse than anything I could have even imagined in my youth. They involve one of my little ones falling into a lake (complete with alligators, lakes can be much more dangerous down here in Florida), or one of them being taken by someone. I spend the night searching endlessly trying to find them, sometimes I find them too late, those are the worst.


  12. Now that's interesting.

    I've had the nightmares Nathan references - about showing up in class the week (or even day) before the final and realizing that I haven't been to class all semester - even though I graduated from college nearly 20 years ago.

    Hell, I still have nightmares about losing my teeth - which I gather is common among folks who've had braces - and I got my braces off some two dozen years ago.

    The worst, IMHO, are the cigarette dreams. This January marks my 10th year as a quitter, and yet I still have *vivid* dreams where I'm smoking again.

    I haven't had any dreams like Stuart mentions, though. I think that's because I'm a psychotically overprotective parent... ;)

  13. See what happens when you go to bed on an empty stomach...

    Mine is being in a shoot now situation I squeeze the trigger and feel the hammer fall but no bang...

    I usually wake up in a sweat about that time...

  14. Jay G,

    While I'm not psychotic about it, I am a somewhat overprotective parent also. I have always thought that the nightmares about my kids (which are fairly rare btw, thankfully) mostly stem from the fact that they live with their mom during the week and I only have them on weekends. I can't protect them when they aren't with me, and I have to admit that I don't exactly trust my ex anymore. Nor do I trust the men that my ex has chosen to live with. On the up-side, MOST of said men have been at least intelligent enough to be afraid of me without me ever having to spell out the "hurt my kids and I'll kill ya" thing for them, although, I don't think that takes more than 2 brain cells.


  15. Well, at least you've never used the word "sitarist" when you meant "satirist" ...

    But yeah, people make fun of you. :-(

  16. I had a doozy the other night that was about pursuing and catch a dangerously crazy person with a group, but then after we caught him the other people were laughing and horsing and around and not taking him seriously and I was afraid first that I would have to shoot him, and second that their idiot behavior would mean I might not be able to.

    I may have issues with my fellow man.

  17. Thats horiffying.

    (and graced with the longest capcha I've ever seen, maybe it's my karmic punishment...)

  18. Toastmasters International broke me of any fears regarding speaking in public. It reminded me a lot of my late coach's rock-in-sock-upside-the-head method of stopping my flinching when shooting the 1911 for IPSC/USPSA.

    And yes, they did use the "imagine your audience being naked" thing. That came in handy when briefing a bunch of Pentagon brass and State Department types a few times. Note to self: NEVER giggle when summoned into a STU-III teleconference requested by the White House Situation Room - undertone twittering is somewhat frowned upon.


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