Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Huckabee?!? Really?!? Have y'all learned nothing?

I cannot tell you how dismayed I was to see that the "Values Voters" had Governor Cornpone as their #2 choice for president in their little straw poll. Really. This guy is like a bearded Spock version of Bill Clinton who doesn't like abortion.

Don't you people remember what got us into this mess? Everybody was up on the fantail of the USS Grand Old Party, playing shuffleboard and rearranging the stem cell and gay marriage deck chairs while the stokers down below were shoveling great big bundles of $100 bills into the boilers as fast as they could, and things got so bad that the Democrats took Congress running on a platform of fiscal responsibility! The people who think that money is something you give to community organizers, union leaders, and Robert Mapplethorpe were appalled at your profligate spending! Remember that? Get your heads out of your arses, people, and keep your eye on the ball. It's. The. Economy. Stupid.

Small government. Constitutional government. Low taxes. Save the other stuff for the tent meetin'.


  1. Straw poll, it was a straw poll.

    Your cat would do well in a straw poll, especially giving her pro-nap in the sun/anti-mice platform.

    What was amazing is that Pence, an relative unknown from Indiana, won. It would seem that Pence winning would render your concerns moot. Pence may hate him some dead babies, but he has other priorities.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. And it's still over two years to the presidential election. Someone may get run over by a bus, someone else may get religion or be eaten by an anaconda or hit by a falling tree or see the light and become a serious fiscal conservative, small government supporter. Or Bobby Jindal and Michelle Bachman may decide to run. Stranger things have happened.

  3. Well said, Tam. Consider that nail struck.


  4. "Small government. Constitutional government. Low taxes. Save the other stuff for the tent meetin'."

    Now there's a platform I can climb up on. Of course it's probably a gallows, but it would be a righteous death, and you gotta go sometime.


  5. The Value Voters types have been punchig above their weight since Speaker Newt. But there has been a sea change, let's hope. And their influence may match their numbers.

    But yeah. We have a liberal Democrat in office now, why would we want to replace him with Huckabee, another liberal Dem that just calls himself something otherwise?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Not just against abortion. Believe a woman should submit graciously to her husband.


  8. Les,

    Oh, I know that he comes with the whole package, but from an actual political worldview standpoint, the only reason Huckabee isn't a populist Democrat is because he'd be expected to take donation checks that might have gay cooties on them.

  9. Stuck between those who's moral compass is pointed in a different direction than mine and folks with no moral compass at all.

    How would you solve this problem Cadet Kirk?


  10. Social issues just keep dragging the Right down with them.

    The government needs to get out of the social issue business and the Right needs to say so, forcefully and definitely. Tear those planks out of the platform and dare the Dems to do the same.

    I'm no fan of abortion (for instance), but my attitude about it doesn't drive my vote. Like Tam says, save it for the tent meeting.

  11. Entitlement -- the process of a potential political candidate with actual useful ideas, becoming a subsumed in the Humming Hive of Parasitic Drones and Clones.

    That is: to designate the occupants of present Elective Offices, Legislatures, Congress and vast underbelly of Bureaucracy that presently comprise Careers in government, as evidential proof, of such state of affairs constitutes our political reality.

    Put away those history and civics books, kids. That is just irrelevant old paper, compared to membership the Mighty New Managing Monolith in the late days of the Former American Republic.

    John, the Red
    At The West End of Lake Erie

    ....and we ain't even addressed the Educational Community Default to Illiterate Amorality, nor the Criminal Financial Rapists of Wall Street and their cozy Collusion with Money Dispersing Tax-gatherers.

    Faugh!!! No wonder the simple political solution of a ride in a Tumbrel were so popular with the French masses. Understandable, tho' ultimately just another tool of mob abuse.

  12. I was right with up until the end.

    Please, please, please, can we put, "Cut spending to within, or at least match, revenues," at the top of that list?

    First rule after finding yourself in a hole that's too deep to get out of is to stop digging, right?

    wv: dedents - no comment.

  13. Easy Tam, take a breath, slow the heart rate down, don't worry about Huckleberry Hound right now. Think of it this way: He only came in second in spite of his having his own T.V. show on Fox News, plus sticking his head onto every Screen he can. They'll be a lot of shaking up of the Big Tent in the next few months, and we need to save our strength for the Fallout of the Mid-Terms. Just think of the Panic within the Beltway Crowd come Nov. 3rd. Why, they'll be so much Blogfodder from that Harvest that you'll be able to Feed China!

  14. irritablearchitect,

    "Please, please, please, can we put, "Cut spending to within, or at least match, revenues," at the top of that list?"

    I would think that that would be entirely encompassed by a small, constitutional government.

  15. Okay, I'm a conservative Christian, and I say...

    Damn Straight!

  16. If Huck couldn't win the primaries last time with the full might of Chuck Norris behind him, I'm not really worried about it now.

    I'm in agreement with your platform, Tam, tho my idea of limited gubmint is what I can find in the Constitution for them to do: protect the country from invasion, build and maintain highways, and get the mail from one place to another in a reasonable time; everything else is pure fermented BS!

  17. "I'm in agreement with your platform, Tam, tho my idea of limited gubmint is what I can find in the Constitution for them to do: protect the country from invasion, build and maintain highways, and get the mail from one place to another in a reasonable time..."

    ...and I'm not to certain we shouldn't think about amending out the whole mail thing.

  18. Remember people who don't like what's being done, Hillary is likely fixing to drop out of the Cabinet, which will likely mean a Primary Opponent for Barry.

    I think we all know she'll beat him like a rented Mule!

  19. Huck's only redeeming quality to me is that he plays bass.

  20. Let's see, risk my political career to try and begin dismembering the .gov Kraken, or enjoy a cushy life on the rarified top deck of the ship?

    For the average unprincipled R representative, that's an easy choice. Who wouldn't want to suckle from the government teat when it is so full and luscious? Too bad it's all silicone underneath and not real mammaries.

  21. Were were we 4 years ago? Thinking that the big race would be Hillary vs Rudy, with hopes that Fred would throw his hat into the ring.


  22. "Small government. Constitutional government. Low taxes. Save the other stuff for the tent meetin'."



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