Friday, September 17, 2010

I feel awrful.

Didn't sleep well at all last night.

Most of the day I couldn't concentrate. I was light-headed, vaguely nauseous, and had no appetite.

I napped on and off on the futon, but Rannie was feeling extra solicitous and kept head-butting mommy and chirping and chortling her concern, which made getting any serious shut-eye a chore.


I hope I feel better in the morning.


  1. I'm stuck in a hotel someplace where the the humidity is thicker than grits.

    I'll be around Sunday. The offer of medicinal pastry still stands I'll give you a call when I land.

    Hope you feel better.

  2. Just hold on a little longer! Obamacare will save you.

    WV: "restr" ... not as good as restst, but better than plain ole rest.

  3. Rannie reminds me of one of the cats the ex-and I shared. We called her "Scooter"; she had been apparently left for dead near a dumpster, and the people who found her didn't know what to do with her because she was in such bad shape. We took her home and nursed her back to health. For the first several weeks we had her she could not use her hind legs, probably because of spine damage, but eventually she could walk and run nearly normally.

    She never could properly vocalize, she could at most voice a small squeak instead of a proper meow, but she was the most loving cat I ever knew.

    At the time I was seeing a podiatrist for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, and after he cut on the affected foot and bandaged the area, when I got home and lay on the bed she would sniff the bandage, then lie down beside me, put her paw on my arm and give me a look that said, "I am here and I will take care of you".

    Yeah, I like cats; dogs too, they just have different qualities.

    cap'n chumbucket

  4. You just described my wife's first trimester.

    Moving along now.....

  5. Hmm. Hope you ain't coming down with what Robb Allen has. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Well wishes. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Congratulations! What are you going to name him/her?

  8. Sleep Well. Feel better.

  9. Nyquil and a vodka chaser. Sure you'll sleep until Tuesday, but I'll bet your life you'll feel better!

    Seriously though, I hope you feel better soon.


  10. Whatever you have is going around here in the south east. Runs about three days. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Tam,

    Get well soon.

    Try hot chicken soup (not the fat-free kind, that takes out the part that helps). Hot green tea with honey. Maybe even hot buttered rum.

    Blessed be.

  12. What did you eat yesterday?

    Sounds a bit like Chinese food syndrome.

    I.e over sensitivity to MSG, mono sodium glutamate.

    I thought I was having a heart attack a few years ago with those symptoms and heart palpitations.

    If you ate any Asian food during the last two days, drink lots of water and hopefully it will pass.

  13. when I got home and lay on the bed she would sniff the bandage, then lie down beside me, put her paw on my arm and give me a look that said, "I am here and I will take care of you".

    Week before last, my cat mostly bit me through the blanket and wanted to know why I hadn't fed her on schedule. Luckily the Vicodin let me sleep through most of it.


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