Tuesday, September 28, 2010

News from the dark side of the moon...

On what planet do you, when your son's girlfriend won't hand over her Percocet, feel justified in throwing acid in her face?

Whatever planet that is, I'm glad I don't live there, because the natives are frickin' scary.


  1. Everyone tells me how druggies are mellow, but I have yet to see (pun intended) it.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. She didn't do it to herself for the media attention, did she?

  3. "Everyone tells me how druggies are mellow, but I have yet to see (pun intended) it."

    Why would you ever see the mellow ones?

  4. Pot heads are mellow. The rest are wierdos.

  5. I hear you, Tam.

    There's a sensational multiple murder+ trial going on in CT right now: the whole panoply of wrongness, adult & child rape, torture, general beating, theft, leaving victims tied up and lighting th place on fire, complete police incompetence....

    I've read what I can stomach ( apparently only the surface of the depravity)and think only where do these savages come from?

    And people ask us why we would want guns in the home.

  6. Some math for your consideration.

    3.50 on average for percocets
    $30,000 Bond


    A shitload of percocets.

    What? You didn't think I was actually going to do math did you?

  7. The natives are crazy, and not so much scary, IMO.

    wv: glomanim - no comment

  8. But bond only costs 10% of the bail amount, so that's only a tenth of a shitload of percocets.

  9. Tam: "Whatever planet that is, I'm glad I don't live there, because the natives are frickin' scary."

    As I write this, I am listening to the TeeWee about a nutjob on the UT (Austin) campus trying to pull a Columbine at a Campus Library.

    By 1:45 pm EDT, I'll be on my campus.

    I've come to the conclusion that the border of the Planet of The Crazies starts on the sidewalk in front of my house, heads West though Indy, and circles around, ending at my backyard fence.

    Sorry, but those of us who still a shred of Common Sense need to be armed and in Condition Yellow as soon as we step out the door, even if we have to just take out the garbage.

    My $.02, of course. Plus we all know it's all because of Bush.

  10. Acid registration and licensing NOW! Close the acid show loophole! For teh childrenses!

  11. Bubblehead Les sez;

    "Sorry, but those of us who still a shred of Common Sense need to be armed and in Condition Yellow as soon as we step out the door, even if we have to just take out the garbage."

    I'm always shocked to see others who aren't out and about this way. Please, preach this attitude far and wide, sir, and your example (up-to-the-minute, no less) as to why it's so important to be aware and ready is quite perfect.

  12. Exactly where are people getting all this acid in convenient, easy-to-throw-in-face containers and why has it not been banned yet?

  13. Just when you think humanity has hit rock bottom, they break out the pickaxes in the sub-basement and go to work...

    If there ever was a case of punishment replicating the crime, this is it.

  14. I must be a "have not."
    I don't have percocet and an open container of acid just sitting around my house.

    I propose a tax on all you greedy, selfish bastards so the government can provide me with my fair share of percocet and acid.

  15. You can have my percocetses when you pry them from my cold,dead, acid-burned hands!

    BTW, I'm not sure if this happened in your area, but last weekend the DEA hosted a well-advertised "drug giveback" to get painkiller leftovers out of people's houses.

    I guess p/k addiction is pretty nasty, as evidenced by widespread pharmacy robberies here.


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