Wednesday, November 03, 2010


"So, Tam," you ask, "what's the weather like up there in New Hamster?"

Well, I'm glad you asked. It's cold. Frickin' cold. A good ten degrees colder than it is back in the flatlands to the west.

Inside, it's not bad. The pellet stove does a surprisingly good job of keeping things reasonably temperate.

The dachshunds, of course, have all burrowed under the blankets on the couch. But then, burrowing is what they do; it's their raison d'être, however you say that in Jerry. A dachshund could burrow between a sheet of paper and the floor; it's why they're all long and pointy and dirtodynamic.


  1. "Dirtodynamic". What Sweet Daughter is when she's not looking where she's going, but instead looking where she's been.

    WV: ouggl - what one says when they suddenly become dirtodynamic.

  2. So does that cool weather up there make you reconsider the merits of polymer-framed pistols over steel-framed pistols, Tam?

  3. Bob-- you just gave me cold shivers.

  4. dirtodynamic is a great word. I am going to try to drop it in three conversations today.

    wv: fanumbru - the shadows cast by a ceiling fan

  5. Yup, Tam, I'm afraid it's true: the one thing folks are going to take away from this post - maybe your entire blog for today - is your new word.

    Dirtodynamic. What a great word:)


  6. Yeah Manchvegas area was 34 this morning, by the time I hit the lakes region it was low 20's. Winter sure is setting in fast.

  7. Grund für mein Leben

    Reason for living in German...

  8. dirtodynamic...
    That's why I love reading your blog. Your talent for writing is terrific!

  9. Yeah...echoing Just My 2 cents, I do not understand why you are not a professional author along the lines of the authors you cite in your blog. You undoubtedly have the talent, if you think you lack any skills then the local community college will round you out quick.

    wv: dislec. No, Tam is definitely not a dislec.

    Why not give it a shot? (pun intended.)

    cap'n chumbucket

  10. I once broke my right wrist when I hit a Dachshund broadside whilst biking. Me biking, not the weiner dog. That would have been much more interesting.

    The little beast ran for my friend's bike about 5 yards ahead of me, then realized he could just stop and turn to cross my T, bringing all guns to bear after breaking our line of battle. I went arse over teakettle, he yelped and ran off apparently uninjured.

    Tough little beasties, those Dachshunds. I admire and hate them at the same time, based on this one incident.

  11. The Akitas, meanwhile, just fluff their coats and look as though all is finally right with their world.

    Which would be spiffy if the cat hadn't turned into a body-seeking object that attaches with CLAWS...

  12. So what is your over all impression of the pellet stove Tam?

  13. Hey, here in the flatlands to the West it was low 90's today. Even we don't need to fire up the furnace until it hits oh 60 or so.

  14. "So what is your over all impression of the pellet stove Tam?"

    I appreciate its ease of use, and it works well, but I haven't gotten to live with one for a winter, yet.

  15. Zweck is the Hun word for that Frenchy saying. According to Babylon.


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