Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The morning after...

Blogger Bruce MacMahon of No Looking Backwards (née "Mass Backwards") hung up his blog last June to run for state representative in New Hampshire.

Reading Lissa this morning, I discovered that he won. Awesome!

*howls and shakes bowcaster*

Meanwhile, my roomie has the recap from Hoosierville.


  1. Yay! Isn't it just awesome news?? :)

  2. Good for him, and good for MA. However, I will miss his rantposts. Maybe he can incorporate his previous invective in some resolutions in the legislature, perhaps commending Menino (in a No Looking Backwards style) on an anti-crime visit to a victim's neighborhood after another shooting.

  3. The "howls and shakes bowcaster" bit just earned my poor little Mac a fresh shower of coffee.


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