Monday, November 01, 2010

The casual contempt for the truth...

... and for his constituents illustrated by Rep. Keith Ellison (Bolshevik-MN) in this video is appalling.

I could take the cheap shot that Ellison is authorized by Allah to prevaricate to infidel reporters, but as everyone knows, an American politician needs no approval from anybody to lie through their teeth to the voters.

Incumbents Delenda Est.


  1. Remember, hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.

    At least any other pol is aware that he's doing something off-color when he lies. It's not something he would brandish as an honor.

    Ellison, on the other hand, has specific authorization, if not direction, to lie. It's a holy duty for him.

  2. As somebody holding out against the blue hoards in Ellison's district, I can only offer apologies we haven't found an effective spray procedure yet.

  3. "Incumbents Delenda Est."

    And the whores they rode in on...


  4. "At least any other pol is aware that he's doing something off-color when he lies. It's not something he would brandish as an honor."

    I humbly disagree. I believe there are many, many politicians who feel absolutely self-righteous as they lie to their constituents, the media, the opposition, and/or that cat wandering down the side alley.

  5. Another Minnesota Politician, a loony liberal in a long line of loony liberals....
    I think I'll run over to Bill's Gunshop for some therapy.

    Sometimes it can be tough to live in thsi State with the Loons and I ain't talking the feathered ones!!

  6. It was clear that the version of the poster Ellison brandished in the vidoe was altered - but to what purpose? i couldn't tell what the modifications were supposed to do. they didn't make it any more sinister or threatening. It's not like the pasted a big fat swastika in the middle of it, or anything like that. So why lie about photoshopping something that didn't need photoshopped to begin with?

    A nice big dose of fail all the way around.

  7. Because now it was from a "shadowy unnamed organization"!

  8. Hordes hoarding whores?

  9. I live in Ellison's district as's a little scary to contemplate that 70% (+/- 20% fraud ratio) of my neighbors actually voted for him.

    What's even scarier is that the sniveling, whining coward who bought his Senate seat, and then bravely ran away, away (Brave, brave, Mark Dayton), is now attempting to buy himself a Governor's chair. And winning.

    But the scariest thing is the rampant vote fraud that's occurring in MN. When witnessed 2 years ago, I simply couldn't get anyone interested, not the least the cop who was standing right there watching. I couldn't figure out why, in the middle of the most liberal-shithead city of them all, they would need to commit fraud until I realized that it wasn't the local elections for city council, etc. they were trying to was the state-wide offices. That was the election that got our current comedian into the Senate.

  10. I've had the displeasure of watching Keith X (the name he used in college to spout his racist drivel in the student newspaper) in action when he was a state legislator during the debate about passing the Minnesota Personal Protection Act in 2003. The man is a complete jerk.

  11. And remember: the more power you have, the more justified you feel in cheating, flouting the law..and telling lies.


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