Monday, November 01, 2010

Wait, what?

I was checking something in my Site Meter and clicked back out to the blog. Just as I did so, I noticed that the banner ad on the right (which is all Site Meter; I have no control over that,) usually pimping for travel services or insurance or casinos or whatever, was for EAA handguns...

Okay, that was pretty cool.


  1. So you don't run ad-blocking on your browser?

  2. Depends on which browser, which ads, and which computer.

    Seeing as how I make revenue (well, beer money,) off them on my site, I'd feel pretty hypocritical if I blocked them.

    At the moment, though, I'm borrowing my host's Mac Mini, and he's not using Ad Blocker.

  3. Congratulations on the beer money! I know you prefer the good beers and what they cost - and I appreciate the relationship.
    I don't make anything off my four ads (five - but does the NRA count?), but they're graphic links and not ad-blockable.


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