Tuesday, November 16, 2010


From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, on the quashing of the New Black Panthers voting rights case:
The e-mails lend additional credence to the long-held suspicion that politics drove Justice's decision-making in this case. They also go a long way toward answering a key question: What is Attorney General Eric Holder hiding with his stonewalling against the commission's investigation?
Well, that's a mighty good question...

(H/T to Insty.)


  1. Here's the solution:

    Make it legal, absolutely everywhere in this nation, to bring your rifle to the voting booth.

  2. A very good point Tam, and one they DON'T want to answer...

  3. I thought the Coates testimony to Congress last month made it pretty clear.

    The office in the Department of Justice responsible for voting rights has had, since forming in the 1960s, the official and explicit policy, affirmed and invoked by the Attorney General and the Obama Whitehouse, of refusing to investigate or prosecute any voting irregularity - if white folk are the victims.

    The one, single case where black officials abused their office against white voters that was actually prosecuted - resulted in getting those involved in the prosecution reprimanded.

    There is no conspiracy with the New Black Panther case. This is official policy of the United States Government. Why no one has sued the government for redress of grievance and to force them to obey the letter of the law requiring them to prosecute abuses - without regard to whether the victim is part of the newly designated "protected class" of citizens (remember when Obama got his hate crimes bill, laying out that you cannot call it a hate crime if the victim is white, and not gay?).

    The only blemish, for the government, in the New Black Panther case is that someone fouled up badly enough to let the case be brought, and proceed as far as it did. After all, only white voters were infringed.

    I note that this same office overlooked Michelle Obama standing in a polling place, during early voting in this recent election, telling voters to vote for Democrats. Now, this happens to violate a Federal law, state laws, etc., but hey! Only white voters could object, now, right? And besides, who would we expect to bring charges, or to prosecute? The FBI set the level of expectation on mere breaking of Federal laws years ago, when Hilary Clinton, then wife to President Bill Clinton, kept, to the certain knowledge of national media and everyone concerned, FBI files on Republican political opponents in her possession a couple of years, so she could then drop them on a table in the White House the day after the statute of limitations ran out.

    I mean, if only white voters are outraged, who cares?

  4. I think we all know what Holder's hiding.


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