Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"...no, he broke his neck when he fell out of a guard tower drunk!"

Ah, the frisky humor of the masters' hounds. See their tongues loll as they smile!

Are they trying to start a fight?

If that image is real and not 'shopped, I hope whoever set that as the desktop wallpaper dies in a fire. Screaming.


  1. Personally, if I don't have to fly I wont.
    Somethings brewing. I think with the explosive rise of the tea party movement as an example Americans are not gonna tolerate this. I suspect there is a sh!tstorm of huge proportion heading towards TSA and big sis.

  2. Meanwhile, TSA is showing the fella in Oceanside who's boss:


  3. If they keep this up, someone's gonna go through one of their checkpoints less like Schindler's List and more like The Matrix, mark my words...

  4. From the linked article (hat tip: Drudge):

    Michael J. Aguilar, chief of the TSA office in San Diego, called a news conference at the airport Monday afternoon to announce the probe. He said the investigation could lead to prosecution and civil penalties of up to $11,000.

    TSA agents had told Tyner on Saturday that he could be fined up to $10,000.

    “That’s the old fine,” Aguilar said. “It has been increased.”

    Michael J. Aguilar must be Californian for Catus Decianus or something.

  5. I'm not sure I like the word "probe" in the context of the TSA.

  6. http://cubachi.com/2010/11/14/german-flesh-mob-strips-in-airport-to-protest-of-tsa-body-scanners/

  7. The Jews did actually walk into the gas chambers unassisted.

  8. "If they keep this up, someone's gonna go through one of their checkpoints less like Schindler's List and more like The Matrix, mark my words..."

    A c-note says you are wrong. Unless you mean Jihadi Joe Muhammad in the role of Thomas Anderson, then maybe.

  9. Brian,

    We can grow our own homemade violent nuts just fine without demanding that they recite the shahadah.

  10. When I first saw it, I thought to myself: "I'd do something like that, but I'd edit the picture to have a graphic that says 'DON'T DO THIS' on it."

    This is the country that threw a King and his soldiers and tax collectors out for much less grievous abuses. I don't think we're going to hold back that much longer before there's a wicked snapback from this behavior.

    I see a lot of people during the week, and most of them fly between slightly liberal and fairly conservative, with the majority being moderates... and I'm hearing a lot of grumbling from your average person about the intrusions the government is doing. Things look like they're going to get ugly.

  11. That's it TSA...keep poking that penguin.


  12. Interesting comment on that article:

    "Why is this OK, but not profiling? Don't they both violate your civil rights?"

    At last, the awakening.

  13. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)11:10 AM, November 16, 2010

    Trouble is, the Muslims scream bloody murder, and threaten death. We don't. More's the pity.

  14. Diamondback, I think that's slowly changing. Folks are starting to throw open their windows and go all Network.

  15. Michael J. Aguilar must be Californian for Catus Decianus

    Does that really mean Cat with Ten Buttholes, or is my Canis Latinicus just rusty?

  16. Meh, someone there has a sense of humor and we're suddenly all "bring out the rope!"?

    I hate the idea of body scanning and searches, but wishing someone's death because they have a sense of humor is a bit over the top.

    As for someone going through a la Neo, what's stopping you? Maybe you could kill the TSA drone with a sense of humor in person?

  17. Joseph,

    "As for someone going through a la Neo, what's stopping you?"

    Did I say I felt it was necessarily warranted?

    Did I suggest I felt that Carl Drega should have shot him some cops?

    Turn up the CO level in the mine and some canaries are likely to start kickin', that's all I'm saying.

  18. "because they have a sick sense of humor"...
    Were told profiling is wrong.
    Asking for someones ID is wrong.
    States wanting to protect their borders is wrong.
    But were told that we need to tolerate this?
    Um. No.

  19. Could any jury of free men and women convict a person who refused to be groped by federales?

    Alas it is Californitopia.


  20. I encourage this sort of behavior,
    People need to be upset about this bunch of rent-a-cops behaving like Brownshirts.

    And your title just made me think of the time Marko told that joke, deadpan, before dropping that punchline on us. Always funnier from a dude with a German accent :P

  21. “That’s the old fine,” Aguilar said. “It has been increased.”

    Ahh, so now it goes up to 11?

    The way that Napolitano defends this program is utterly outrageous. The "I know better than you, so do as I say, serfs!" attitude is pretty much out in the open.

  22. For what it's worth, here's my prediction for the future. These TSA full body scans will continue (or get even more intrusive) until the TSA version of "People of Walmart" suddenly shows up on the internet with the stolen scans of supermodels, movie stars, politicians, or other celebrities. People being what they are, I'd be amazed if someone at the TSA hasn't already starting stealing these pics from the scanners or snapping some indiscreet photos with their cell phones. The only way this will ever go away will be if some politician gets embarrassed enough by it.

  23. Too late. The US Marshals Service just leaked some 35,000 images that were "improperly saved."


  24. What to wear for the next flight...

    -One could get into the spirit of the Obama TSA by dressing in black and white pinstriped pajamas with a yellow star...

    -Or really, really get into things with a leather bananna hammock and a set of studded leather chaps...

    -For those who don't really want to be touched, may we suggest a little something from the Radical Iman collection? A few loud "Allah Akbar!s", and you'll be easily wisked past the line faster than you can say "racial profiling"!

    WV: expla- "Hey fella, could you expla... WOAH, would you mind checking my prostrate while you're up there?"

  25. As an attempted Christian, I am not supposed to approve of anyone dying in a fire just because someone (or I) is mad at him, but yes, that is a very bad thing those guys did there, all arrogant-like and everything.

    I would not mind if they were knocked down and kicked severely in their heads and kidneys. Possibly they could heal, and learn from their experience, and go and sin no more.


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