Monday, November 22, 2010

Overheard in the Hallway:

Okay, this was collaborative, with roomie hollering strange stuff from the shower and me hollering back from the hallway and I can't exactly remember who did what, but it started with a discussion of why we liked Canada (America's hat! It keeps our forehead warm,) ballistic missile defense, where Russkie short rounds were likely to land, and Canadian geography, and got progressively more off-topic from there, winding up with...
From the Star Trek episode "The Laurentian Shield"

Kirk: "They've stolen Spock's brain and hidden it in Canada and our phasers can't penetrate the Laurentian Shield! Scotty! I need more power!"

Scotty: "Ye're already a starship captain! Wha more do ye wan', ye narcissistic sassenach madman? Ye're barely holdin' together as it is!"
It gets mighty weird around these parts at times...


  1. "narcissistic sassenach madman" is inspired. Well done.

  2. Um, "Kirk" is a Scotch name, not an English one.

  3. And that's why I like you guys.

    It's more illuminating than the shower-to-hallway conversations at my place:


    "I already fed you!"


    "I said I already fed you! Stop yelling!"


    "Fine! Give me five minutes ... "

  4. And if we're going to nitpick, "Scotch" is a type of whisky.

  5. I want to know when General Mills started adding mescaline to Wheaties.

  6. Bob,

    "And if we're going to nitpick, "Scotch" is a type of whisky."

    Staghounds is certainly aware of the claimed distinction. He would likely respond by quoting A.J.P. Taylor: ""Some inhabitants of Scotland now call themselves Scots and their affairs Scottish. They are entitled to do so. The English word for both is Scotch, just as we call les français the French and Deutschland Germany. Being English, I use it." :)

    My roomie, on the other hand, reminded me that "sassenach" is perfectly applicable for a Highlander to use on a border-dwellin' Saxon-tongued Lowlander.

  7. Last encounter with "sassenach" was when SWMBO convinced me to read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

  8. An attempt to get through to Spock's brain with a photon torpedo would be highly... geological. *Puts on sunglasses* *Cue Roger Daltrey*


  9. IIRC, Scotty was a Clydesider and, as such, would have called a Highlander a teuchter -- the obloquy going the other way, as it were. So if he wanted to "Hauld his haid up like a thistle," he'd reserve sassenach for real Saxons.


  10. Finland had some really well built bomb shelters mandated by the government.

    Uncle Same shoots from the point, oops it short.


  11. So, is everybody ass-you-me'ing that everybody else knows the actors concerned are/were all from Canuckistan, thus adding to the humor? Or am I just going off on a tangent, like so often?


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