Monday, November 22, 2010

If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again.

Bill Holda, president of Kilgore College in Kilgore, TX, apparently lives in a fantasy alternate universe where, during the Luby's Cafeteria Massacre in 1991...
"...multiple shooters and innocent people were killed by other people who had concealed licensed handguns because they weren't sure who was the shooter and who was the defender,"
and thus he opposed the recent Campus Carry bill introduced in the Texas legislature.

The only problem with that is that there was no legal, licensed CCW in Texas in 1991, and even if there had been, none of the victims of the nutcase in Kileen were shot by anybody other than the wacko who perpetrated the massacre.

So either Holda lives in a parallel universe and is only visiting ours to give statements to the press, or he's a big fat liar. Which do you think is more likely?

Also, note how the TeeWee station has been perfectly content to let the blatantly counterfactual statement stand unchallenged and uncorrected.

(Via email.)


  1. OK, where can a rebuttal be sent and to whom,including the lying SOB, who will undoubtedly profess ignorance when staped to the facts.

    thanks, and my regrets at not having the cyber-fishing time today in order to loacte the media-perps contact info.

    Why not start and send a blog-tsunami to the media sewage-plant and it's operators?

  2. I wish I could say Texas didn't have it's fair share of morons, but alas, it is not true.

    The bill nearly made it last time, but was killed in the House, by a Speaker who opposed the bill and wouldn't put the modified version that passed the senate back on the agenda for voting.

    Next year is a new chance and I think we have a better chance than before. All though, SOME will invariably cite the recent case of the shooter on UT's campus as to why we DON'T need CC on Campus, since the police were so "effective". Yet, it took the cops a full three minutes to show up and we were lucky the gunman didn't have any desire to off anyone but himself.


  3. That son of a bitch.

    The Luby's Massacre was one of the events that propelled the right-to-carry movement, with Dr. Susanna Hupp (in the restaurant that day - and both of her parents were murdered by that one, lone whackjob) doing quite a bit to help bring concealed handgun licenses into existence here.

  4. This can only mean one thing!!!

    Texans have invented time travel!

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. Dr. Suzanna Hupp sure didn't mention these other CCW holders in her testimony before congress ( In fact, she said that the lack of CCW at the time kept her family from carrying a gun that they had in the car.

    So it appears that Bill Holda is nothing but a lying sack of shit. I'm not surprised, because it seems to be a common trait among anti-gun advocates.

  6. Problem with idiots like this is that most anti-gunners will believe him. I keep reminding everyone that here in MO you have to be 23 to have a CCW, most college students are younger than that and wouldn't be able to carry anyway. That leaves the more mature grad students, non-traditional students and faculty that would be carrying.

  7. If you wish to leave a comment with Dr. Holda, here are some points of contact. Remember, BE POLITE, (you know Big Brother is Watching/Listening). If E-Mailing, write your missive, use Spell Check, and then walk away for a minute and then reread before you hit send. Let us not give the Anti's any more (real) ammunition.


    Phone: (903) 983-8100 or (903) 983-8101

    If you correct his knowledge of the facts about Luby's Restaurant, you might as well ask him where multiple civilian defenders have shot each other because I don't know of any. (I don know of a few where the Police have done so...)

    Keith W

  8. It all goes together, doesn't it?
    "Never waste a crisis; you can do things during a crisis you can't do otherwise."
    "Never bother with the truth if a lie will work better to get your point across."

  9. wow, I didn't know college presidents could transcend time and space to alter history toward their vision of it?

    Wait, maybe they can't? Maybe this guy is lying with malice in an attempt to keep people helpless?

    I don't know, I think I lean toward the manipulation of time and space.

    Otherwise, there is an evil son of a bitch at the head of Kilgore College named Bill Holda, and he needs to get the hell out of office and let people who can understand the written word take over.

  10. I vote for the former, actually.

    I suspect that he really does have some warped memory of it based mostly on reading third-hand accounts and hypotheticals.

    IE, he's completely full of shit on it, but quite honestly so - I've seen what people believe (on any side of any ideological fences) and it's often utterly stupid and baseless.

    That's my guess, anyway. I've seen so much delusion, ignorance, and stupidity in my time that I find no difficulty at all in believing it's that rather than intelligent malice.

  11. I'm not sure what's worse; that these retards are willing to lie so routinely, or that they think the American people are stupid enough to believe them. -- Lyle

  12. Google is a wonderful tool...

    Seems William M. (Bill) Holda isn't really a Texan after all...

    Matter of fact, he's a transplanted Hoosier...

    So Shootin' Buddy, ya'll can have the SOB back anytime you want...

    Prolly even be able to take up a collection to help with the relocation expenses...


  13. Thanks for your email. You are correct re: my inaccuracy re: the Killeen shooting. I could not remember the details and referred to that incident out of ignorance. I did an additional interview two days later and acknowledged that I was incorrect and apologized for any harm that was done.

    I continue to have concerns about the proposed legislation. I invite you to look at the information on the Violence Policy Center website; you will see a list of innocent individuals who have been killed by the licensed carriers of handguns. We often do not hear about this side of the story – that concealed handguns are not only used for protection, but have been used inappropriately on occasion to kill innocent individuals.

    [boiler plate,here]

    I still have other unanswered questions, and there are several: one is -- how do our colleges which host TEA certified Early College High Schools on their campuses reconcile the higher education access with the federal legislation requiring the public school environment to be gun free? How do extensions of our campuses located on high school campuses become affected?

    Last session, the Joe Driver bill, in one of the hearings as it was working its way through the legislative process, was going to require us to provide secure storage (gun safe) in our residence halls. While the State did not post a fiscal note to the bill, since it was not costing the GR budget any $$ directly, it was going to be a cost to the local institutions. David Simpson has emailed me that he is going to try to secure a committee substitute for the bill to require the carrier to be responsible for checking the weapon. However, the residence hall issue still needs to be resolved for higher education, regarding the ways the handgun is stored.

    Our own campus Chief of Police, as well as the Chiefs of Police at most institutions of higher education, voiced their concerns not only during the last session, but also again this past month.

    Personally, I support an individual’s right to carry a concealed handgun. I believe it is ill advised in our environment. If it is so universally safe, why did both the Driver bill and the Simpson bill contain the exemption for athletic events? Why not allow them at these events also? Is it a product of athletics or the size of the crowd? If the size of the crowd, what about commencement exercises at the football field with 5,000 attendees?

    I welcome the diversity of opinion on this issue and your comments as well.

    Bill Holda

    William M. Holda, Ed.D.
    Kilgore College
    1100 Broadway
    Kilgore, TX 75662-3204
    Phone: (903)-983-8100
    Fax: (903)-983-8600

  14. Highlights from the Presidential response. the low lights are too extensive to get printed here.

    Thanks for your email. You are correct re: my inaccuracy re: the Killeen shooting. I could not remember the details and referred to that incident out of ignorance. I did an additional interview two days later and acknowledged that I was incorrect and apologized for any harm that was done.

    I continue to have concerns about the proposed legislation. I invite you to look at the information on the Violence Policy Center website; you will see a list of innocent individuals who have been killed by the licensed carriers of handguns. We often do not hear about this side of the story – that concealed handguns are not only used for protection, but have been used inappropriately on occasion to kill innocent individuals.

    I still have other unanswered questions, and there are several: one is -- how do our colleges which host TEA certified Early College High Schools on their campuses reconcile the higher education access with the federal legislation requiring the public school environment to be gun free? How do extensions of our campuses located on high school campuses become affected?

    Bill Holda

    William M. Holda, Ed.D.
    Kilgore College
    1100 Broadway
    Kilgore, TX 75662-3204
    Phone: (903)-983-8100
    Fax: (903)-983-8600

  15. Yes we do have dishonest idiots running colleges in Texas. Generally though,the east texas idiots are a different kind of idiot than this one. He belongs in Austin where we are well supplied with left wing, antigun sissies.

  16. Kilgore College President Bill Holda continues flying the flag of ignorance:

  17. Hi, Tamara;

    You might be interested in this; I took Dr. Holda and his wife to the range and taught them how to shoot.



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