Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Speaking of random culture...

Check out this video of a guy playing Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on a glass harp. (Or, as you and I would call his instrument, water-filled crystal goblets.)


  1. Neat. I agree with the one commenter, He does not have enough arms. Still impressive!

  2. I'm not sure what Bravo is in proper German, but there it is anyway.


  3. I heart me some Bach. My all time fav is the Brandenburg concertos, particularly #3. As a synesthete, though, it is not a good choice for background music whilst attempting to be productive

  4. Another synesthete here. Can't do too much if I get into a piece.

    I expected a toy, and was suprised to hear a real musician. Impressive.

    But I'm such an engineer. Perfect pitch to tune the damned thing, and evaporation to compensate for during assembly. Bravo also for the patience and determination to "git her done"!

  5. When I was in college the college orchestra had a Guest musician who played the "water harp", I have to admit to no little amazement. Twas very cool (though a friend of mine with perfect pitch admitted that he was loosing his by the end of the performance).

  6. I was always quite fond of the glass harmonica; a slightly more refined design of the above:

    Designed by Benjamin Franklin!


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