Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What did she expect, going to the airport dressed like that?

Quote of the Day regarding the sudden spectacle of feminists writing "Grope me, baby!" columns:
Geezle, what is it with these more-or-less feminist writers? Are there suddenly piscine bicyclists when it comes time to kill a spider?

I've no doubt that there is a certain subset of people who are busily inking their "Naughty TSA Agent" fantasies to True Confessions Monthly...


  1. I know those blue shirts and sweater vests get me off ...


  2. Feminists are solidly pro-rape/sexual molestation. As long as it is being done by agents of the government.

    In Susan's case that includes Bill Clinton.

  3. Dear Penthouse Forum,
    I never believed those stories on the internet about the TSA screeners, until this Thanksgiving when I was flying home for turkey and stuffing. Well, I got some great stuffing, but not the kind I had expected! It all started when....

  4. EW! EW! EW! EW! EW!

    *reboot brain*

  5. But isn't the The Stupid Administration's Groping Protocol done by people of the same gender as the Gropee? So if they can't get Fabio to run their hands over their bods, what are they wishing for, a Megan Fox look-alike?

  6. Osama Bin Laden is ROFL every time one of these items becomes news. The terrorist have won a victory every time an American cries foul at the airport.

    As far as I can tell, the TSA is acting as a defensive measure agaisn't bomb threats (such as underwear man). I don't think they woke up morning and said: "How can we piss off the taxpayers and get off in the process" out of the blue sky.

    In the war on terrorism, we are all soldiers on the front line. Everyone should put up and shut-up until the day when peace is achieved. However long that day is far from arriving.

  7. Anon: The TSA's own leadership has publicly admitted that these measures won't do jack to prevent another terrorist attack. The only thing accomplished is the general inconveniencing and humiliation of the general public. If they were taking measures that actually worked and produced quantifiable results, there would be a lot less complaining. But they're not. People only put up with so much incompetence before they snap.

  8. PROFILE!!!! Profile PEOPLE, not things.

    Until we adopt El Al's approach to airline security, we're just groping for answers and hoping for change.

    PC is going to kill us.

  9. So what is El Al's approach? I was nodding sagely to the idea, then I realized...I have no idea what their procedures are.

  10. For most passengers, El Al talks to you, asks you a few questions, looks for inconsistencies in your answers and behavior and basically makes a gut call. But they're very, very, very good at those gut calls.

    Passengers from nations/groups known to be hostile to Israel get a slight more, um, "thorough" screening. So yes, they profile. But it works.

  11. [Quote]For most passengers, El Al talks to you, asks you a few questions, looks for inconsistencies in your answers and behavior and basically makes a gut call. But they're very, very, very good at those gut calls. [/Quote]

    So now you are going to trust the TSA to make a judgment call if your blown up in the air or not

  12. Anon. 7:19,

    1) Umar Farouk Abtightywhiteysplodey did not fly on El Al.

    2) Umar Farouk Abtightywhiteysplodey did not, in fact, explode.

    3) Umar Farouk Abtightywhiteysplodey was not, in fact, screened by the TSA, since he boarded in gay Paree.

    But I see what you're saying.

    The El Al approach will not necessarily work in the US, since we have hundreds of times the airports and flights that Israel does.


    Let's say that Richard Reid and Umar Farouk Abtightywhiteysplodey had both succeeded...

    Would they have done more financial damage to the airlines than the TSA has over the same period? You can pay off a lot of grieving families for what this whole circus has cost us; certainly more than two airliners' worth...

    "If it only saves one jetliner"? Really?

  13. Of course you are right. We can discuss the merits of the case forever. The point is that we should ALL pull or push, and fight the common enema, not each other.

  14. Okay, my wookie suit just came back from the tailor's (I had to have it let out around the midsection) so I am going to climb up on my soapbox and royally piss somebody off. I just hope it isn't our gracious hostess or her equally deeply perceptive roomie.

    In my opinion, the prime purpose of the TSA's gropulation and porno screening is to accustom a once free people to instantly submit and obey ANY order--no matter how arbitrary, capricious, contradictory or discriminatory--given by ANYONE in a uniform or wearing a badge.

    We must all be silent and be good Germans.

    If I go silent for a few weeks you can assume that I am a guest of the Department of Homeland Security, where I am "getting my mind right".

    cap'n chumbucket

  15. cap'n chumbucket,

    And what will today's kids, who have always had to carry transparent or mesh backpacks through the metal detectors at school before walking underneath the CCTV cameras to get probulated before boarding the plane to fly to grandma's... what will these kids see as "normal" when they grow up?

  16. They'll be compliant subjects who know when to shut up and put up, that's what.

    In case you didn't realise it pisses me off, this pisses me off.


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