Sunday, November 21, 2010

Step up and show some leadership, Mr. President.

In response to the public outcry over the latest TSA nonsense, the Dear Reader responded "Let them eat cake while getting their crotches grabbed."

Well, not in so many words, actually; instead, the man who breezes on and off Air Force One with a smile and a wave mumbled some nonsense about how this "tough situation" was necessary for our safety and said
"One of the most frustrating aspects of this fight against terrorism is that it has created a whole security apparatus around us that causes huge inconvenience for all of us,"


What you mean "us", Kemosabe?

The day you're standing there watching while some anonymous McDonald's washout of a rent-a-cop is giving Michelle and the girls a full TSA probulation at Andrews AFB before y'all jet off to Martha's Vineyard or Madrid is the day you will show a shred of leadership on this issue.

Until then, you can put a sock in it. Until the Presidential Junk gets a fondlin', you're just talking out your teleprompter.

You first, Barry; you first.


  1. Seeing the (P)resident, the first wookie and their offspring getting probulated would be icing on the cake they want us to eat.


  2. How about it. After a week of breast prosthetic's and bladder bags in the news I'm curious to see how Thanksgiving week plays out. I look forward to all the official excus... err responses.

  3. The man really needs to spend a few years punching time clocks. Nothing like work to get a little perspective.

  4. You'd think he'd learn to just shut up, when confronted by some controversy he can't or won't do anything about. The man just can't shut up.

  5. The cake is a lie.

  6. Dear Reader (nice handle, BTW) and his stooges intend for the process to be as humiliating and degrading as possible.

    Do not ever underestimate the amount of outright hatred that fellow harbors for average Americans.

  7. It would be nice if there were real reporters out there who might contrast the multi-layered security that surrounds the president to man handling the hoi polloi gets.

    "Oh, but we can't afford to screen everyone who gets near an airplane like we screen everyone who gets into the airport". Bull puckey.

    Is that why El Al hands out actual metal steak knives while we use plastic that breaks on an omelet?

  8. He IS showing leadership.

    The whole basis of his world view is who-whom The leader's function is to control- by persuasion if convenient- the whom for himself and the other who.

    (My favourite is still that they screen the pilots.

    For fear that they would take over the airplane, I suppose.)

  9. Tam: Well said, but you left the Republican leadership OUT as they have their own security procedures as well. (They simply walk around the 'nude' machines without being groped when they fly 'like' commoners.) I say make everyone of those idiots in Washington; whether elected or otherwise, experience what all the rest of us have to endure in terms of the TSA or healthcare.

    Talk about a disconnect between the rulers and the ruled...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  10. The sad thing is, I'm sure an advisor or twelve thought this would be the perfect opportunity for Barry to appear "Decisive” and “Presidential”.

    Epic. Fail.

    Maybe the academic wunderkinds that occupy the Whitehouse should read more Machiavelli and less Marx.

  11. Agreed Tam, but the sad part is there are no porno-machines where the congresscritters would go through them. They are all out in the hinterlands(read Red States).

  12. The more of this shit you take, the more you get. The opposite is also true, but more difficult.


  13. Let's see, how do you define "terrorist?" Is it one who uses the threat of terror to manipulate others into doing their illegitimate bidding? People, the terrorists are the ones doing the groping and peeping. Oh yeah, the "father" of those terrorists just happens to hold a much higher office, with about the same qualifications for his job as the average TSA bureaucrat has for his or her job. Kentucky Jones

  14. What you said. I thought the same thing when I read the article.

    However, I don't really think that our glorious, all-important, self-centered leader would be quite as concerned about his wife and daughters being herded through the TSA nightmare as he would be if he were told that HE had to do it.

  15. Look for a few wildly overpublicised photo-op pat downs shortly.

    Then, oooh, look! Britney Hilton!

  16. Just finished reading Cory Doctorow's "Little Brother"

    Now your post scares me more than I think it would before I read it.

    ...and I have to go smash this laptop and throw it in the ocean.


  17. Like all else the TSA does; this is intended to create the illusion of taking action while putting us serfs in our places. If they really wanted to reduce air terrorism, they'd do Israeli-style profiling and issue frangible ammo to all passengers who have cc weapons permits. Also, there should be no doors of any kind between the cockpit and the cabin -freaking period. Re-engineer new cockpit doors to the outside and have done with it. In truth, this will not happen again anyway. Passengers will never again permit a hijacking. If a few planes do get blown up by bombers, then just bomb the hell out of any town where we see celebrations.

    By the way bedlamite, my better half said, "The cake is not a lie. I have the achievement!"


  18. Opt-out.

    I don't know exactly what the difference will be in how airport screening is uh, "handled", just that it won't be TSA goofs and goons doing the handling, but Orlando has joined the list of I think a dozen or so major airports that have "opted-out" of the TSA program, and that has to be a good thing.

    Several states have plans to opt out of the health care takeover too. I think this is a great trend, and can think of a *bunch* more applications for it.

    Opt-Out. I like it; and what a great rallying cry for the Tea Party movement; wasn't that the whole point of the original?


  19. Even the word "terror" has been hijacked by the Statists. The original Terror was done by a very nasty state, the French Revolutionary State, not nasty individuals.

  20. "Orlando has joined the list of I think a dozen or so major airports that have "opted-out" of the TSA program, and that has to be a good thing."

    Not so much.....

    Follow the links and weep. Do you really think the Fed-Goons will allow airports and airlines to walk away?

  21. "Do you really think the Fed-Goons will allow airports and airlines to walk away?"

    'Course not, Billy, if that was you. Seems I remember the king wasn't too keen about that first opt-out I referenced either.

    It came to blows then. Might come to blows now. But it's the states and airports - based on the outrage and flak they're getting from their electorate and their customers - bowing up against the powers that be, that is the "good thing" I mentioned...

    Resistance has to start somewhere, and the "opt-out" at the airport and on healthcare is a great place to start and a very good trend.


  22. I thinks that's right because we only need to be secured.

  23. Tam, thank goodness the United State government soldiers are protecting our freedoms. Upholding their Constitutional oaths. Freedom-fighters. That's what every brave man in every uniform is.


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