Sunday, November 21, 2010

Well, Paul?

But understand, the finger-twitch variation is not enough to reduce the bloody heaps of bodies that keep piling up in communities across our fruited plains.
I realize that, being stuck back here in Indiana, I probably don't have the same bird's eye view of the violence-wracked "fruited plains" that you do, now that you've been spirited off on wings made of George Soros' greenbacks, but I drove all over our fair state today looking for those "bloody heaps of bodies" and never found them. Help me out here, Paul?

(H/T to Snowflakes in Hell.)


  1. Lewis the Loquacious6:52 PM, November 21, 2010

    Too bad about the mamas and the papas who can’t afford to live in neighborhoods that aren’t flooded with illegal guns, like those the NRA bosses inhabit.

    The NRA bosses inhabit illegal guns? Isn't that, umm, cramped?

  2. Stop confusing the issue with facts.

  3. If George Soros ever did anything good in this world, it was getting Paul Helmke out of Indiana...

  4. One would think that with the onslaught of violence since the sunset of the AWB in 2004 he could come up with more recent examples of "assault weapon" inspired blood running in the streets than Stockton California...

  5. The "bloody heaps" he is talking about are all the candidates he endorsed that lost. That kind of happens when everyone in America looks at you and laughs.....suck on this Paul: Wisconsin CCW!

  6. I wonder what it must be like to look out the window of your million dollar mansion and see Grand Theft Auto every day. Wait...scratch that...I already know what its like to smoke crack.

    Then again, I've never done it while simultaneously being a force 5 wuss burger afraid to set foot out my door. So nevermind-still not understanding Paul Helmke's perspective.

    I guess I've never had the million dollar mansion either.

  7. I left this comment on their website, just for fun (since we know they are incapable of assessing fault properly):


    Your headline reads "NRA SIdes With Mass Killers Over ATF".

    Which mass killers are you talking about? The government agents acting unlawfully after having been egged on by you?

    If you have a sense of shame, it must be buried deeply under all that money your contributors give you.

    Shut up and go away, please.


  8. Poor old Paul! His buttcork must be too tight.


  9. We keep confusing them with rational thinking people. They have given every evidence of being irrationally emotional phobic bent on controlling what scares them. With that you have to look at their hyperbole not as anything rational in itself but as a rational exercise in garnering support.

    It's what those that understand the game call "propaganda".


  10. "The NRA bosses know full well that the semi-automatic military-style Uzi assault pistol used by James Huberty killed 21 people and wounded 19 others at the McDonald’s in San Ysidro, Calif. And that the TEC-9 assault pistol used by the Columbine killers murdered 12 of their classmates and a teacher."

    Don't you see, the guns are murderers!
    I think we have it all wrong, they're really on to something here. It's not peoples fault at all, its the guns that have committed these heinous crimes.They're sentient and obiviously gone psychotic, duping poor innocent souls into transporting them to their targets and to be the patsy fallguy and take the heat. Quickly! Lock your gunsafes,bury your shotguns in the yard,get that pistol off your belt before they rise up and come for you!

    Or you could just send them to me:)

    Bill P.

  11. The "bloody heaps of bodies" to which he refers are the victims of crime who were FORBIDDEN to purchase the means to defend themselves.

    I hope their estates sue the crap out of him & his ilk.

    Ulises from CA

  12. So... this guy really thinks there's no difference between a full-auto and a semi-auto weapon?


  13. Eck! said:

    "We keep confusing them with rational thinking people. They have given every evidence of being irrationally emotional phobic bent on controlling what scares them."

    I disagree. 2 points:

    1- Helmke has made millions playing on the fears of hoplophobes (irrational people). It has worked out pretty well financially for him, no?

    2- You really think Helmke is irrationally afraid of guns? I'll betcha his Security People have some..... it's not about irrational fear- it's about control..... and Money.

  14. Total tools catering to gullible fools.

    Want to reduce violence? How about facing up to the low-life culture and actions glorifies by tha' gang-banger musicians and role models. How 'bout refusing welfare and medical care to yo'baby's momma? How 'bout putting all those bucks of yours towards de-gloryifying thug and banger low-living? How 'bout effectively blocking the Borders? How 'bout getting serious about drugs: legalize the whole lot of them and let Darwin sort it out.

    How about a massive philosophical shift in your supporters and associates to LOOK at the PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMITTING ACTS OF MURDER? No apologies accepted anymore, folks. It's YOUR problem and the regulation of objects has never yet achieved anything but more illegality. OH...damn,that would be SOOOOO good for y'all, then. More dog-robber employees on the gov't payroll is a good thang, y'all.

    Fact is, the Aunties are employees of a propaganda machine that cares nothing about what they spout, so long as it advances KONTROL. Hiya, George. May y'r private jet soon take a final approach FROM WHICH THERE IS NO RETURN. And watch out for those airport pat downs. Ya might like'em enough to go thru the line twice. Except The Princes of the World don't do those peasanty things, do they, Geeee-orge?

  15. Since there hasnt been an ATFE Director confirmed since the post became vacant FOUR YEARS AGO, why do we need one?

  16. Here's one pile of corpses:

    The heartland has been littered with these corpses over the last couple weeks, sometimes as a result of the finger-twitch mostly automatics.

  17. I think if I ever read his stuff again I would rot, and it isn't worth it. Aren't eighteen year olds voters - lined up to bring HOPE and Chains to America? I think I need to clean up my rifles from the weekend.

    The word verification works:


  18. "Andrew Traver has been tapped to lead the nation’s top crime-fighting agency, which hasn’t had a director in over four years."

    Really? The BATFE is the best we've got?

    We're boned.

  19. "Finger Twitch" man he's digging up that old turd?

    The anti-gun shills are starting to sound exactly like the people who call in the late-night paranormal radio shows. You know, the ones that believe they can communicate with furniture, that skunkape is peeing in their pool, and that Elvis faked his death so he could seed the water supply with fluoridation crated by the Gray Skinned aliens....

  20. bury your shotguns in the yard,

    Oh No! Don't do that! Then we will have ZOMBIE SHOTGUNS!! OMG!!!!

  21. So to qualify as an "assault weapon" it has to have a distinct military appearance and an accessory like a bayonet lug or sling swivels, right?
    I just acquired a Japanese Type 30 carbine that qualifies then...


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