Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That's kinda cool.

Barrett's new Lego-like multi-caliber sniper rifle, now with 50% more cowbell.

(How come US defense industry promo videos use the same cheesy quasi-rock music? Vickers Defense used Holst to pimp the Challenger 2...)

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Oh man, the Tuba Part for Holst's Mars will just make your eyes cross with the never ending triplet notes. Nifty song, but our school system bought the full score and felt the need to break it out with some regularity.

  2. Cheese-rock, does it come from Wisconsin?

  3. ...and why does every shooting show on the teevee use the same annoying music, tracked at sufficient volume to obscure the dialogue?

    (I just knew that those video gamers would be the ruination of this country, dagnabbit!)

  4. As an old band nerd, I am a Holst fan, you betcha. I despise most pop music, 'specially the electrically-amplified kind. I passed on attending Divine Services last week because I thought I just couldn't take the Newage (rhymes wit sewage) copyrighted "Christian" music, electronically amplified.

    Oh, Billy Beck? An electric guitar is NOT a musical instrument, and there is nothing wrong with any rock band which ever existed which cannot be fixed with a fire axe and a Thompson. My condolences for the loss of Miss Priss.

  5. They use Cheese Rock (Trademark it quick, Tam! Could be a way to earn some Shekels in an Infringement Lawsuit!) so that the Chromosomes of Mall Ninjas everywhere will be activated by the FPS Video Game soundtrack that they are used to and be drawn to the site.

    Or they are cheap bastards who'll pay for a 30 second riff from the Porn Studios Composer Syndicate and loop it over and over and over....

    Nice gun by the way, but I hope the Armorer back at the FOB doesn't get the parts mixed up when he has to order replacements from the States. You know how Supply works...."What was that NSN you used? Oh, it's a 3 and not and 8! Well, you just ship that case of M4 magazines back and we'll get you what you need shipped out in a couple of days".

  6. Sorry. Nothing says main battle tank (or alien space craft) like "Montagues and Capulets" by Prokofiev. Not even Wagner.

  7. "loop it over and over and over..." Hey, you picking on us aspie guys? Some of us are armed.

  8. Was Barrett playing "Hold the Pig Still"?


  9. Gerry;
    I think it was "Hold the Pig Steady" by CPKM

  10. I agree that the Roque de fromage is a bit overdone for funtime hardware pimpvids.

    But that's a pretty damned kewl system that Barrett's fielding. Want!

  11. Nice lighting on the Barrett, but the music is like any MX video I ever saw.

  12. They should use porn film music instead?


  13. It could be worse:

    I used to think Swedish music came in two speeds; The Cardigans and Opeth. Apparently they also do the ungodly union of techno, elevator music and distortion.

    It's like playing a really bad videogame from the early 90s!

    HK outdoes themselves with a techno remix of "Das Boot." I wish I were making that up.

    What is this I don't even

  14. Lergnom,

    I stand corrected.


  15. Yeah, Gerry, you wouldn't wanna get Skippy mad at you!

  16. Hey Tam, if you don't like that musi there is totally a fix.

    Jim, who is probably going to hell for this ;)

  17. Thanks for the linky .

    - USCitizen


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