Friday, December 17, 2010

All standard disclaimers apply.

Do you know why we need tort reform in this country?

Not only because ridiculous, frivolous lawsuits have jacked the prices of everything through the roof...

Not only because ridiculous, frivolous lawsuits have taken all the fun toys away from kids and tasty food away from grownups...

Not only because ridiculous, frivolous lawsuits have made multimillionaires and political éminences grise out of a cabal of slimeballs and sociopaths who in a more civilized society would have been horsewhipped across the town square before being hanged as teenage pickpockets...

But mostly because we're reduced by legal departments to mumbling mealy-mouthed weasel phrases like
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not endorsing that citizens participate in this manner," Tolpin said. "But under this particular circumstance, it was very commendable of her."
instead of giving her a medal and a seat on the float in the city's Independence Day Parade.


  1. Dr. Denis Leary had a small part in th emovie Demolition Man. His character lets off a rant that to this day Mrs. AW loves to watch/rewind/watch again. The movie though set in the future, the rant is applicable to the Parham-Lees of our world.

    As far as citizens helping? Bravo. That woman deserves a medal!

    I'll bet in a different time, though, Mr. John Edwards (recently widowed from marriage and hopefully politics) would have tripped over himself to represent Mr. Coleman in a suit against all of the 'batterers' who used 'excessive force'.

  2. Tort reform my ass. We need to horsewhip people. If you're that kind of an ass, you need to be stripped down to your skivvies and have a steroid-enlarged weightlifter tear you up with Joe Don Baker's sweaty belt.

    I can personally attest to the efficiency with which one's mind gets right after the application of leather. Really, it works. And it works on adults, too, not just juveniles who set the house on fire and shaved the dog misbehave.

    WV: Emorog, a fiery creature who destroys with it's whiny self pitying bs

  3. Overlawyered is one man Gnut. Do a better job of publicizing your own website if you're outraged by things he hasn't covered.

    It isn't as though you're paying the bills to keep Overlawyered going. The site isn't a public utility.

    Sorry to dump on your post Kam, which I very much enjoyed.

  4. Also sorry to misspell your nickname Tam.

    Time for coffee.

  5. gnut,


    Further copypasta linkfests will be deleted without comment.

  6. Have you seen her picture?

    It looks like she has made some questionable nutrition choices in her lifetime.

  7. And most of those links he posted don't even work...

  8. I second what Og said. I've seen how they cane vandals in Singapore, and let me tell you if the sign says no jaywalking, I'm going to the damned sidewalk.


  9. Just dropping a comment on the second link. My buddy on the Dayton PD tells me that the lady is an ex-con, which makes it even more remarkable that someone stopped to help a cop in that neighborhood. She will get a medal from the city. But we don't do "Independence Day" parades, even if the military is the biggest employer.

  10. It looks like she has made some questionable nutrition choices in her lifetime.

    I'm certain it wasn't her fault. Her friends ate cheeseburgers in front of her and she was compelled to eat some herself.


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