Friday, December 17, 2010

Buy stock in Reynold's Wrap.

So something winds up in the no-fly zone over Israel's nuke plant and doesn't take the hints to leave and gets smoked by Air Zahal. They haven't found the pieces yet, so CNN's blurb read:
UFO shot down over nuclear plant
Great job, CNN! That'll get the Reynold's Wrap yarmulke crowd good and spun up first thing in the morning.

I hope it was tangos in an ultralight or a homebrew UAV and not some poor lost schmuck in a Piper Cub whose radio had crapped out.


  1. Great job, CNN! That'll get the Reynold's Wrap yarmulke crowd good and spun up first thing in the morning.

    Quality entertainment is hard to come by, even for CNN types.

  2. Personally, I find aluminum foil in my yarmulke scratchy.

  3. Nathan,

    Are you putting the shiny side in or out? ;)

  4. I heard it was a baloon.

    Can you imagine the happy touristy people in the gondola of a multicolored hot air baloon enjoying the scenery in the crisp, dry air, singing, "Up, up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful, balloo-- Hey, is that an F-15 coming this way?"

  5. Has anybody hit replay and seen if any birds fell out of the sky?
    Just saying.
    (I prefer shiny out personally)

  6. Lord and we all hope that it wasn't "some poor lost schmuck" or any other innocent soul. I'll bet though that there are some folks with a deep nasty twitch somewhere sorta hoping it was a basket full of certain types who seem to love to insert themselves in to such touchy international situations, make some press, get Jimmy Carter or Rev. Jackson to come to their rescue...

    Especially if an unmanned object, just the press of the IDF shooting down a "UFO" will spark the conspiracists for years.

  7. You have to remember to put down a good layer of Miracle Whip before you put down the foil. And if you can get real tin and not aluminum, it's better.

  8. No Fly Zone must be we'll light your ass up right now in Hebrew.


  9. Tin foil is so passé, the discriminating loon is using metallicised anti-static wrapping these days.

  10. Shiny side in or out depends on whether the voices come from the satellites, or from the burrito you got the foil from.

  11. Not to worry. My Firefox headline news thingie says it was only a weather baloo.............



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