Wednesday, December 01, 2010

...and the Winter comes down like thunder outer Wisconsin 'crost the bay.

Winter dragged its feet this year.

Indian Summer lingered a bit, and then the weather got all indecisive and coy, like maybe it wanted to be cold and maybe it didn't...

...and then *BAM!* we went from daily highs that were five to ten degrees above average to a pretty fair dusting of snow on the ground and the prospect of not seeing the far side of forty degrees for more than a week. (40°F being the average December high around here.) It's like November took so long getting here that we've just decided to give it a miss and skip ahead to January.


  1. "On the other hand," said Eeyore, "we haven't had any earthquakes lately."

  2. What can I say? We like to share.

  3. I know you think it's cold, but think of the people living (existing)
    in this small village in Siberia:

    -65F at night this week.

  4. Half the fun of days like this is watching other people drive in it. However, this fun is quickly ruined by the fact that a piece of your property that you would prefer require no repairs is moving along right beside them.

  5. Winter tagged us pretty good out here on the prairie this past Monday.

    Still not ready for the cold.

  6. If you're not in Buenos Aries where the sun shines on the sand then it's cold, dammit. My lack of cold-adaptation sees me in thermasilk long underwear when temps hit the low 50's...

  7. Not to change the subject or anything, but is there a reason clicking on the web ad at the top of the page, the one with the PO'd looking Statue of Liberty asking "You Gotta Problem with Me?" takes me to a cafe press site selling sparkly vampire stuff?

    WV: balme. Tamara dislikes less than balme temperatures. So does Bobbi.
    You'd have to be balme to like sparkly vampie stuff.

  8. What's the temperature in Mandalay

  9. We're back up to the teens after a week or two of halfway cold weather; I know worse is coming so I mean to... tolerate this while it lasts.

    Jim (reflectoscope - I fixed my openID settings)

  10. Or I had for RX's blog anyway... weird.


  11. What's the temperature in Mandalay?

    Not sure, but it's around 90 here in the land of OZ. Think I'll go for a swim at the beach where the girls don't wear anything at all.
    Enjoy the weather up there.
    Expat Wisconsinite

  12. Well, it was 61 when I walked out this morning in Northern VA, at noon it was 50, and at 4 pm it was 42, and calling for lows in the 20s tonight... you can HAVE your cold front back any time :-)

  13. We took a 21 degree drop here in No. VA today and ... oh, wait. Old NFO just covered that. Guess I'll add some Jameson to my glass and enjoy the fire. Ta.

  14. Bring on the snow!
    Bring on the cold!
    Send that nasty, chilly rain shit packing!

  15. 70 in Raleigh at 0500 yesterday morning. By 0700 it had dropped to just below 60. By 1700 (that would be 5:00 PM) it was in the 40's. Now it's (checks weather) damn cold at 0500.
    Ye gads, I can't wait for spring!

  16. 30 this morning, 40 when I went to the range, 50 when we did yard work, now at 2 inna mornin' and two glasses of Maker's I got to get up to 35 and do it again. Or reload shotshells for a trap shoot Sunday.
    This retirement is hard I tell ya.
    "..but I work hard for this.."

  17. You were down south too long.

    This is the way of things in the flatlands, but just wait, it'll change.

  18. I was driving home from visiting my sister in the ICU the other night and it was 62 degrees at 3am according to the bank sign near my house. The very next night it was 27 at 2am when I went by the same spot. Going to be a bit chilly stalking Bambi tomorrow morning too from the looks of things...


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