Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The government creates jobs!

Well, one job, at least.

That's right, some guy has come up with a service to let people comply with the FTC's stupid new blogger regulations while staying inside the constraints of a 140-character Tweet.

See? Between this guy and all the people working three shifts at Porn-O-Scan Inc. to fill orders for airports, we'll be back to sub-five-percent unemployment in no time!


  1. Is there nothing .gov isn't frickin' involved in anmymore.

    WV - pastri

    Well, SB501 will take care of that

  2. Wasn't it Jubal Harshaw who pointed out there is no law passed that didn't invent a new way to graft?

  3. He's adding as much value to the economy as my Tax Accountant.

  4. Lessee how our rookies R's do.
    After they find the mens room and the cafeteria and they don't get waylayed in the hallway by the Rinos maybe, just maybe they will remember who paid the roundtrip bus ticket.


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