Friday, December 17, 2010

I got all excited, too...

TeeWee footage of a WWF-style chair-slingin' brawl in a parliamentary chamber this morning got me all excited, until I realized it was in Kiev, and not Sacramento or Boston like I had originally hoped.

Passing dumb laws should hurt, and carry at least a small risk of taking a suplex or a piledriver right there on the statehouse floor. Plus, the more time legislators spend busting furniture over each other's heads, the less time they spend stealing our money and getting all up in our business. They could even put the really good dust-ups on pay-per-view and use the proceeds to help fund some of the more useless government programs.


  1. Why do I have the image of a John Boehner ripped on HGH, neck veins popping out telling Nancy Pelosi that she is his, and he's gonna triple suplex her botox hiney straight into next week.

  2. The U.S. of A. had it first, although without the T.V.

    Senator Preston Brooks beat the bejeezus out of fellow Senator Charles Sumner right there in old D. of C. Senate back in 1856. All over a perceived insult.

    Brooks, of course, was one of those peace-loving Democrats.

  3. Two budgets enter, one budget leaves!

    The thought of Nancy Pelosi wearing Tina Turners dress in Thunderdome is a bit disturbing.


  4. I've always felt congress-critters should be given complimentary canes, and be required to carry it while voting.

    Maybe rattan, with heavy gold handles.

  5. Oh, that our Congressmen were more Preston Brooks and less Foster Brooks.

    When I am Hegemon, I'll suspend elections in favor of Congressional Deathmatch on the Capitol lawn.

  6. Things have gone down hill on The Hill ever since they closed Bladensburg Dueling Grounds in Maryland.

  7. Turning concress into a wrestling federation would be pretty cool. FRIDAY NIGHT FILLIBUSTER!!!!

    All congressmen required to dose on AAS and HGH until their veins are about to pop...but impeachment means they get cut off, causing their bodies to go soft and flood with so much estrogen that they'd turn into crying trannies almost overnight.


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