Friday, December 10, 2010

"I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

The way the UN works, it's like sitting down with one of your co-workers, two grocery baggers from the local supermarket, a striking UAW worker, and three unemployed bums and voting on what you should do with your paycheck.

You may not get your bills paid that month, but there'll be plenty of MD 20/20 and Detroit Lions tickets to go around.

(H/T to Improved Clinch.)


Anonymous said...

I firmly believe in spreading the wealth around. I earn money, I buy "stuff"--spreading wealth. You work for me, I pay you--more spreading.

I don't buy? I don't hire? Okay, I don't spread. This is a problem? Not for me, it's not.

And when taxes get higher, I buy less and hire less and re-cycle and make do with what I already have. Why is it so hard to make the tax-claque understand about the difference between incentives and disincentives?

theirritablearchitect said...

You've worked in a liquor store, haven't you.

global village idiot said...

Lord Monckton is a nutter. He wet himself over Copenhagen and look what came of it.

It could be argued (poorly but you could do it - Monckton certainly would) that it was his drivel that destroyed Copenhagen. But these things fail on their own premises far more frequently than they succeed on them.

Fabians since H.G.Welles have been hoping to bring about this technocratic Utopia but it always seems to fail, and fail utterly. The reason is simple - technocrats are by their nature disinclined to do the "dirty work" of bringing it about.

It's why technocratic utopias fail and dictatorships succeed (at least within the dictator's prime). Dictators and tyrants have no problem getting their hands filthy so long as it serves their turn.

The closest thing is this European Union and the only reason it's succeeded (insofar as its survival is concerned) is because Western Europe was sick and tired of world wars. It too is failing on its own premise and will be as irrelevant to Europe as the U.N. is becoming to the world.

Lord Monckton may be a nutter but at least he's our nutter. Ganesh knows that there are enough to go around on the opposition's side.

NotClauswitz said...

It's the Scourge of the Bureaucrats. The bloodsucking parasites advance their army of bedbug-peoples through unremitting pages and pages of soporific declaration and regulation, mirrored by similar veils of committees and sub-committees who's sole purpose is to continuously expand themselves into every possible corner until the host dies...

Myles said...

As a life long Detroit Lions fan I can firmly say it wouldn't be MD 20/20... probably PBR or Schlitz.

Tam said...


"As a life long Detroit Lions fan I can firmly say it wouldn't be MD 20/20... probably PBR or Schlitz."

Sorry, but you and the UAW guy got voted down by the winos. You'll drink your MD 20/20 and like it.

staghounds said...

The U. N. does ONE good thing at least:

a hundred million dollars' worth of contaceptives last year.

Drang said...

I thought they were too busy banning dihydrogen monoxide to take my money.

WV: devoing.So 80's...

Brian J. Noggle said...

Hey, I like MD 20/20 and wouldn't mind a ticket to the Green Bay Packers game in Michigan on Sunday.

I vote, "AYE!"

atlharp said...

"You may not get your bills paid that month, but there'll be plenty of MD 20/20 and Detroit Lions tickets to go around."

That is the funniest thing I heard all week. In reality, since it is Detroit Lions tickets there might be some money left over!

Bram said...

The UN is like having all my ex-girlfriends voting on my budget and schedule. Nothing good or fun will ever be the result.

Anonymous said...

Holding the climate conference in Cancun, an artificial construct dedicated to sun, drinking and sex is perhaps not the best location. If you're going to transfer wealth from the productive members of society to the nonproductive bureaucrats then Zimbabwe is the place to hold it. Surely there can be no greater example of successful transfer of wealth to the ruling class resulting in huge reductions in CO2 emissions from the populace.
Little fossil fuel being used. Farms reverting back to forest. No factories in production. Shorter life spans. Bloated ruling class. Fucking paradise.