Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'd love to chat, but...

...after last night's big bout of insomnia, I wake up this morning to discover that there are no breakfast meats in the house. Quick! To Fresh Market!

Mmmmm... applewood-smoked bacon...


  1. Go for it, and for the God's sake, PLEASE take the car instead of the bike. We could use some extra global warming just now, so let the Zed eat!

  2. OK, what is the gastronomic equivalent of an earworm? Sweet, sweet bacon, I hear you call my name.


  3. Treat bacon the same way you do ammo.

    ALWAYS have an emergency stash.

    I've got a package that I keep in back of the freezer just in case. I vacuum sealed the whole thing into another bag just for an added layer of protection.

    Or go to and order a can of Tactical Bacon.


  4. BG: It'd probably be better if you rotated out your stash. That way you don't have to worry about freezer burn.

  5. Robert:
    No worries. The second layer of vacuum sealing goes a long way there and I try to rotate it out every couple of years.


  6. Great... trying to get ready to sleep and now I want bacon... curses!

  7. Bacon freezes quite nicely. We usually have ten pounds in the freezer. And it thaws easily, either in the microwave or on a dark plate on the counter. The vacuum packaging keeps it from freezer burning.

  8. And after reading the "Quick! To Fresh Market!" line I'm stuck with the mental image of the whole scene playing out like an old Batman episode with the POW! and SMASH! text frames. In this case I'm picturing VROOOOOOM! for the Z3 catching air through a 4-way stop, KACHING! for the register, and both SIZZLE! and POP! for a tight shot of the frying pan.'s a bit odd in my head this morning.


  9. Leftover pepperoni pizza counts as a breakfast meat doesn't it?

    Throw on some chopped bacon and strong coffee and wave a vegetable briefly over it as you say thanks and it's "part of this complete breakfast"

  10. Mmmmm... applewood-smoked bacon...

    I hate you.

  11. You certainly have my sympathy regarding insomnia, awwwwrrrr- ughh!

    No bueno. Breakfast looks pretty tasty from the looks of those breakfasty-posts though.


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