Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Slow start, but a start nonetheless...

It's been one of those days where I'm having great difficulty convincing myself to change from fluffy house socks to actual socks and shoes.

There is a new cat in the house, and this morning's lesson for the little tyke was that just because you can reach the plate of aged smoked Gouda and Italian dry salami in mommy's lap doesn't necessarily mean it's a good idea to try it.

I'm about to muster up the energy to take out the trash and run an errand or two, as well as do some writing. I wish I'd learned better organizational habits in my younger days, but I'm afraid I've never really developed them; everything's pretty much done on the wing in my life.

This is why I find people like TJIC so interesting; the dude's a fiend for organization and, as a result, the sheer amount of stuff he gets accomplished is amazing to someone like me, who spends an inordinate amount of time simply woolgathering.

Yesterday he wrote out a little Organizing For Dummies post with some pointers I may try appropriating. I'm not foolish enough to think that the SS Slacker is going to reverse course, or anything, but maybe I can steer into more productive waters.


J.R.Shirley said...

Jesus! Over-achiever much?

And I was proud for making my longest blog post in months...

Anonymous said...

Productivity is highly over-rated.

og said...

I found I had my biggest problems when doing the 'Work from home" thing. Having a place to go called"Work" and a place to go called "Home" allowed me to compartmentalize my efficient mode and slacking mode. Some people I know make that a mental thing, where in when they walk in their home office door they are in "work" mode and can turn it on and off, I was never able to accomplish that.

Grant Cunningham said...

"mommy's lap"


Who are you and what have you done with Tam?

TJIC said...

Tam, thanks for the shout out!

> I found I had my biggest problems when doing the 'Work from home" thing. Having a place to go called"Work" and a place to go called "Home" allowed me to compartmentalize my efficient mode and slacking mode.

100% agreed. I work long hours at the office when I have to - but when I'm home, I do NOT do work.

Hat Trick said...

A new cat in the house? How about some pictures?

Anonymous said...

Hat Trick got there first, but yeah, pics please!


LabRat said...


...Is it a kitten? I've sworn off kittens, I think. They don't grow brains until they're about a year old; until then they're four clawed paws controlled by a ganglion and powered by random combustion.

Joanna said...

They don't grow brains until they're about a year old; until then they're four clawed paws controlled by a ganglion and powered by random combustion.

Shoot, my cat's closing on three years old and that's still a pretty accurate description of her. I don't hold out hope for calm until she gets too old and arthritic to make the effort to move.

Homer said...

Having spent a couple decades as an IT Project Manager (currently seeking employment......) TJIC summarizes most of what is in the PMP Certification Program in a few hundred words.

Good job.

TBeck said...

"All your snacks are belong to me!". Our youngest cat will happily knock over a glass to get at the icecubes after she drinks her fill.

Blackwing1 said...

You can't just drop a word in a post about a new cat in the house. Name, picture, where/how found/acquired...nosey minds want to know.

On a Wing and a Whim said...


oh, wait, should get stuff done...


NotClauswitz said...

But wool, from the navel or otherwise, is a valuable commodity to gather. Let someone else be all-organized and stuff, I can do that when I'm motivated but that's not always the case, unlike those with ADHD who need to do it to save their souls. Goals and souls, they rhyme but they're not the same.

Gewehr98 said...

That's just plain scary. Does he take time to stop and smell the flowers?

Dr_Mike said...

The big question is, do you look at a list as a goal, or a condemnation?

I find I do my best making a laundry list of to do items, knowing I'll get maybe halfway through in the time I have, less if a crisis occurs. But many people look at that list as a silent condemnation if they haven't checked off every item by 2 PM.

If you're in the former group, a list is a wonderful tool. In the later, it actually seems to be a negative, stopping you from starting item one. If I can't make it through to a hundred and twelve, accomplishing 3 or 30 is all the same...

I don't know how to change categories.

WV - swerint - using curse words in integer multiples. I assume this means no contractions, and words that end in -ing must be pronounced in full.

phlegmfatale said...

That's fantastic! Thanks so much for pointing that out. :)