Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does it make me a big ol' pretentious elitist...

...if I was overwhelmed with a feeling of smug superiority for not having the foggiest notion of who this "Snooki" person was until I clicked on Marko's link?

If someone had made me guess, I probably would have gone for "Pop or R&B singer"...

(The Amazon "reviews" at Marko's link, by the way, should only be read if you are someplace you won't get fired for sudden gasping shrieks of laughter.)


  1. I wish I didn't know..

    Holy !@#$%@#!! Word Verification was the word whish!

  2. Hell, I think snooki was a cue sport, played on a large green baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and on the sides.

  3. "Hell, I think snooki was a cue sport, played on a large green baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and on the sides."

    I am fairly certain Snooki has been played on a pool table.

  4. What the hell kind of name is Snooki? Sounds like something a five year-old would name their teddy bear.

    Word Verification: debra
    It's bad when the WV comes up with a better name than a (supposedly) adult person.

  5. Oh THANKS, so I had to go find out and lose another brain cell. Whatever it is it's obviously ghost-written.

  6. Can a ghost be that desperate for money?

  7. "Can a ghost be that desperate for money?"

    Well, they couldn't take it with them. What's the exchange rate for dollars to obols?

  8. Possibly my favorite review of the book was posted by "Stonewall Jackson, unreconstructed Confederate" who in so many words said, that Snooki's writings actually make more sense than Paul Krugman's. Not having read Snooki's book I can't vouch for that, but it seems logical given the drivel that Krugman puts out.

    WV: dingbte (Which one, Snooki or Krugman?)

  9. Unlike Krugman, Snooki was never an Enron adviser. So she has that going for her.

  10. Everything I know about "Snooki", I learned watching an episode of South Park. Everything I conjecture about "Snooki" that I didn't derive from South Park (eg, "the entity named 'Snooki' is actually a human") I got from the earlier comments on this post.

    The humor in that episode might have been funnier if I'd known something about the subject matter. But it's not worth it to me.

    I don't feel like a big ol' pretentious elitist, though. Especially not after admitting that I learn things from South Park.

  11. For me, it was more through viewings of "The Soup", but I digress.
    But give the lil' troll some credit. She's got, what, all of two, maybe three more years before she starts to look like Treebeard's mother-in-law? She needs every occasion to cash in on her looks that she can get.

    Plus, let's face it. Once Jersey Shore is over, so is her career. From here on out it's soft core, Z-List "Celebrity" Challenges and "Where are they now" specials.

  12. Pretty lame of me to admit this, but the first I heard of "Snooki" was when Obama said on the view that he'd never heard of her, and a few commentators said, hold on a minute, didn't he mention Snooki in a speech a while ago, and sure enough, he had.

    Okay. Once I pondered why a politician would lie about something so trivial and easily checked (answer: because he can't not lie), I did some web searching and found out... well, I still don't know who she is. What, I got a pretty good idea.

    Anyway, her book has gone on my reading list, just after Megan McCain's magnum opus. Probably get to it right after monkeys fly out of my butt.

  13. My favorite comment was in the review by EnglishLitLove, "Snooki was not looking to compete with the Wallaces or even the Pattersons, she was just fist pumping her way to tell a story of a girl on the shore."

    OMG, imagine what a snarky writer like Tam could do with that line.

    Krugman was not looking to compete with Marx or even Keynes, he was just fist pumping his way to tell a story of an economist on the 'Times'.

    Olbermann was not looking to compete with Limbaugh or even O'Reilly, he was just fist pumping his way to tell a story of an liberal on the 'tubes'.

    It reads like the best of Al Franken's material.

  14. Snooki is proof that even Hobbits have prostitutes.

  15. You can find the best of Al Franken sold in many stores. Jut look for a ream of blank printer paper.

  16. Regarding the first comment at Marko's link: If the first Tuesday of November, 2008 didn't ALREADY have you fearing for the Republic, then Amazon's peddling of soiled bath tissue IS your kind of read.

  17. My favorite comment from Amazon:

    "Snooki has said previously that she has read 2 books in her lifetime, which means she has now written 50% of the amount of books she has read."

    I think it is amazing that you can become a star in this country by drinking and acting like a choad in public-you don't even have to go into music or acting first.

  18. I had to look her up. I felt pretty smug.

  19. I knew who she was, but that's just from hearing her mentioned in passing on various blogs. I did have to look up whether Jersey Shore is actually on in Australia (it's on MTV apparently) though.

  20. Thot she wuz a 'tard.
    But increasing her salary 500% by having some drunk punch her in the face...
    Apparently I'm the one that's a 'tard.
    Any punchy-drunks out there?


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