Monday, January 24, 2011

The life and strange times of Huck the cat...

We have one of those double-decker shower curtains, with the decorative cloth hanging outside the tub and the translucent waterproof curtain hanging inside.

Huck's new favorite sport is to wait 'til someone's taking a shower, then stand on his hind paws outside the tub, but inside the outer curtain, and bat at the shower's occupant through the translucent plastic every time they get too close to it, over and over and over, for the duration of the shower. One of these days, of course, he will lunge too enthusiastically and go ass-over-teakettle into the shower, and it will all end in wet cat tears, but until then it will remain difficult to take a shower due to laughing so hard.


  1. Enjoy the kitty antics; he at least isn't likely to have a glass of cold water for that opportune moment. :)

  2. There's a little bit of Norman Bates in every kitty.

  3. I so miss having a cat. They are at times the cool operator and the entertainer. I love dog's but I just don't see them doing what Huck does... maybe give the clear sheet a big droolie nose bump or lick... bout it.

  4. "One of these days, of course, he will lunge too enthusiastically and go ass-over-teakettle into the shower..."

    So you've got that to look forward to. Just let it be that little grin Huck can't figure out.

  5. I think it says much about my sense of humour when just the phrase wet cat tears makes me laugh with wet GuardDuck tears.

  6. I'm betting your showers are longer because you can't help but bat the curtain back a couple of times......

  7. Last time I was present at a cat/shower interface, I gave (what seemed to be) a pint of blood. Watch yer toes.


  8. Just hope that he doesn't claw you in his haste to escape the tub after he falls in. Because the curtain will be closed and no obvious avenue of escape will present itself, he might just opt for climbing out the fastest way possible, up the nearest human.

  9. You are to nice.

    I would of already sprayed him with water to inform him whats on the other side of the curtain, and because its fun.


    W.V. Miagathr

    How MacGyver says his name after the bubblegum, shoestring and Ducktape accident.

  10. I'm with Samsam. I mentally envisioned (aside from the nude human - hehe) one cat drenched, scrambling hell-bent-for leather to escape the watery abyss, shreding all in his path. Cut to the blood swirling down the drain. The Norman Bates meme is complete! I suggest kevlar booties, at least knee-high, as a remedy.

  11. AS I just noticed a birthday wish for Tam On another blog.

    Happy B-Day Tam.


  12. John Peddie (Toronto)11:25 AM, January 24, 2011

    How clever of JMB and Robbie Burns to have chosen birthdays which bookend Tam's.

    Happy birthday, Tam-you're in good company.

  13. Our cat Snoopy (RIP) used to get in the shower with Sally before we got married. He was a Turkish Van and loved water. When she moved in with me, suddenly he was confronted with a glass tub door. This frustrated the hell out of him, so he'd content himself with pawing on the door till we got out, then he'd jump in and cavort in the puddles.

    Happy birthday!

  14. This post is meaningless without pictures.

    And no, I don't even mean the kind you'd expect I meant, just cavorting cats about to fall into the shower.

  15. Even if he falls in he may not give up. Absolutely no mishap has ever discouraged Zydeco from his fascination with people in the tub; I have given up taking baths because it was getting too hard on both our nerves.

  16. Used to have a black half-Siamese that would jump to the top of the glass tub doors to watch what was going on. He caused more than one incipient heart attack when the person showering would look up and find themselves being watched. For some reason I was unsympathetic when guests (usually female) would inform me that my cat was a vouyer...

    WV bouters

  17. At your imagery, I literally laughed. Out loud. :)

  18. Ratbane occasionally decides he wants a warm drink for a change, and gets in the shower with us.
    Of course, he's the cat who likes going out in the rain, coming inside to get toweled off, going back out to get rained on again, coming back in to get toweled off again...

  19. Got a little 10lb cat that looks identical to Huck and is just as nutty. Mine hates the neighbor's dogs and ambushes and chases them when they come to visit...

  20. Long, long ago, in another life, in a land far, far away...

    The ex- was taking a bubble bath, and the cat jumped up on the toilet and looked at her in the tub, covered with all this nice, white stuff. Not understanding the nature of what was before her, she leaped into the white stuff so she could be closer to "mommy". The ex- yelled "NO!" just too late.

    What we heard was a puzzled "mrr?" as her front paws hit the bubbles, then a very loud "YOWRRR!!!" as she hit the water.

    Yes, cats will dig in using all claws and four-leg drive to get out of the water!! Wifey-poo was really torn up from cat's frantic need to GET OUT OF THIS WHITE STUFF.

    Needless to say, after that when wife took a bubble bath, cat would just curl up on the toilet or the counter and watch...

    cap'n chumbucket.

  21. Rocket Baby loves to drink from running water, whether it's from a sink, the bathtub set on tiny stream, or running off the end of a shower-taker's fingers. In the old place, after lights out, I would hear the clop.....clop of her playing with the loose tile in the shower floor.

  22. I suppose that is an odd birthday gift, but happy birthday Tam, just the same.


  23. My cat does something similar - he'll hop up on the side of the tub between the curtains. Then, using the inner curtain as some strange raincoat, he'll slide his front half down into the tub so that he can drink the shower water. Because apparently shower water is better than the water in his bowl.

  24. This seems to be standard cat behavior.

    Watch the strange human custom. Get as close as possible without getting wet.

    Accidentally fall in.

    When I was growing up, we had a family cat that would insist on walking around all of the tub edges, including the ones against the wall.

    She fell in once, and then just sat there, wet, and glared at me.

  25. to frantic cat claws and their effects on long, lanky legs and lush, laughing lips...

    What gun for crazy cats?

    And for that matter...

    What holster for nekkid Tams?


    HA! wv: barcat...there's your problem right there; little too much sauce in his saucer!

  26. " to frantic cat claws and their effects on long, lanky legs and lush, laughing lips...

    What gun for crazy cats?

    And for that matter...

    What holster for nekkid Tams?


    Dude, your creepiness is showing just a bit.

  27. Pathetic, "dude"...creepiness is in the mind of the anonymous creep. AT

  28. Anon:0832PM :

    You havn't seen real creepiness until you dig up Nietzsche-boy's old post comments.

    He took down his internet Tam-shrine ( complete with her old firing line bikini shot ) after he got both barrels of snark.


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