Sunday, January 23, 2011

Overheard in the Kitchen:

Last night, roomie was reading the prescription info sheet she got from the pharmacy...
RX: "'May cause drowsiness or dizziness... Generic names: Atropine, Scopolamine...'"

Me: "Wait, what? You mean I can nerve gas you and you'd feel compelled to tell me the truth?"


  1. Now, if we could just get that stuff into the cappuccino machines at NPR and it's affiliates.

    And, of course, into the coffee machines at the rest of the media drone hives.

  2. It 's a great thing for us readers that what goes on in Roseholme is generally much fun, more like Ungar & Madison and thankfully far, far from Caulfield & Stradlater.

    Everyone needs a good brain massage in the morning, and some come here to get at least part of it.

  3. Ah, a touch of mydriasis from the belladonna alkaloids- a ancient Italian beauty tip.

  4. now you just need some two pam cloride!!

  5. Back in basic, in the mid seventies, we had to use the atropine autoinjectors. The drill sergeant demonstrated one by stabbing a piece of cardboard, the needle popped through and the fluid shot at least a yard.

    Dead silence from the platoon.

    Then I asked (I was either fearless or self destructive then) "Drill Sergeant, just how bad is this nerve agent stuff, anyway?"

  6. Atropine Tartrate.

    Yea ... it will save you from nerve gas, but leave you permanently anemic.

    Beats the hell out of dying because all your muscles just decided this would be a good time to break all of your large bones at once.

  7. Scopolamine? That's some pretty serious dizziness. Unless your health coverage offers "apothecary"...


  8. Natural Herbal Remedy solution: have a jimsonweed salad.

    Or, don't, because modern processed pharmaceuticals are a good upgrade, dammit.

  9. That was part of Charlie Manson's brew ... Jimsonweed, marijuana, and LSD, all at once.

    That and 8 hours of sex while having them chant that he was God had all of his converts ( including one guy ) nicely reprogrammed.


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