Saturday, February 05, 2011

Meanwhile, in Bizarroland...

Cliff Schecter, progressive PR guy, gun-fearing weenie and Huffington Post contributor, has found an even more credulous audience than HuffPo readers to which he can peddle his wares: Al Jazeera! After all, a measurable percentage of Al Jazeera's audience believes that Mrs. Goldstein next door grinds up babies to make cookie dough for Passover, so who knows what else they'll swallow?

Watching the multi-culti progressive crowd cozying up to the Sharia crew is as morbidly fascinating as watching some weird little Mr. Whipple-looking masochist fawning over a real, live serial killer. You find yourself wanting to be around for the denouement just to see the look of hurt surprise on their face when they find out the game is for real.

(H/T to Sebastian.)


  1. Al Jazeera? Man so it's come to this. I mean the fact that he's dissing gun rights on Al Jazeera just kind of explains itself. I mean you could have just posted the link and that would have been enough!

  2. Sounds like He is a terrorist himself!

  3. It's odd to me how having Ronnie Barret, Potterfield and Brownell on the NRA Board discredits the NRA, but when the inventors of a completely unproven "microstamping" technology were lobbying to have their invention imposed on the public by law before they had a single customer willing to buy it on the market, that was high-minded public service.

  4. I just finished reading his full article and it's a miasmic swamp of disjointed facts and chaotic innuendos. What a farce of journalism and editorial content! He certainly is trying his best to live up to the description of "Useful Idiot."

  5. Far as I can tell, the only real difference between Al Jazeera and HuffPo is that the former has more gays and women among it's writes than the latter. Both spew hatred for America and speak to a smelly and largely uneducated audience of true believers who will do anything that their designated thinkers tell them to do.

  6. "Robert A. Levy...served as co-counsel in the Supreme Court case that *established* a second amendment right to bear arms."

    And here I thought all those guys had been dead a couple centuries...

    Maybe Cliffie meant *affirmed*, thanks in no small part to those evil, self-enriching NRA "kings"...but he couldn't say that, could he?

    Props to him for coming out of the closet, though; Tango's need a good PR guy.


  7. Follow the money, like the article says:

  8. It's not that hard to understand: the multicult here in the U.S. isn't really multi-cultural. Taking their words at face value, they are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-Jew, and they are actively pursuing a solution.

    Don't count them out. Bookish Mr. Whipple Progressives managed to kill a lot of people last time around.

  9. Hypnagogue,

    "Bookish Mr. Whipple Progressives managed to kill a lot of people last time around."

    Considering what happened when the intellectual anarchists cozied up to the real thugs like Dzugashvili, I find the parallel perfect, actually.

  10. Color me unsurprised. These are the same cheese-eating surrender monkeys that wanted us to give in to the Soviets for years anyway.

  11. "...they are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-Jew...

    ...and (in the interest of completeness) anti-American.

    (Not that everyone here didn't already know that.)

  12. You find yourself wanting to be around for the denouement just to see the look of hurt surprise on their face when they find out the game is for real. Maybe it's wrong, but I would like to see the looks of hurt surprise on their faces when the useful idiots like this clown start getting beheaded, along with the rest of the Islamic fanboys. Suddenly, being friends to all the other anti-Western progress groups is going to bring a rather hefty price tag, and I can just imagine the carnage there will be.

  13. A miasmic swamp of disjointed facts and chaotic innuendos... That just about sums up both HuffPo and AlJizz, don't it? What they both really want is more of their own Special Shari'a Sauce.

  14. Remember the Queers for Palestine idiots? I always wanted to ask them "Do you KNOW what the PA does to people like you? And you want to HELP THEM?"

  15. No one in a gulag, death camp, or burqa ever thought "Gee, it's a good thing I don't have a gun."

  16. I know that look. It's the same look on the face of the frog as the scorpion sinks its stinger firmly into his back just as he reaches the middle of the river.

  17. Kinda like the overweight book seller in the movie "Patriot Games" is how I think they'll lok when they realize that no joke, they are going to keeeeeeellll you.

    wv: poloody. What the suicide-bomber types would love to do to the annual Code Pink-Gay Rights picnic.

  18. Is the ban on .38 Specials he is talking about the ban on Saturday Night Specials? Or was there a proposed ban on .38 Specials?

  19. Is the ban on .38 Specials he is talking about the ban on Saturday Night Specials? Or was there a proposed ban on .38 Specials?

    My question exactly. Facts? Who needs them?

  20. I have to admit that Tom Kratman's take on Tranzis makes me smile. . .


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