Saturday, February 26, 2011

Things I Never Thought I'd Worry About, #16863

I cannot access Twitter. How the heck am I supposed to whine to the world about the boo-boo on my finger in 140 characters or less?


  1. And.... you've solved the riddle.

  2. Well, if you hadn't been waving that finger at the union protester, she wouldn't have bit it.

  3. One of the dainty fingers is injured? OMG!!

  4. Err ... how do you say anything in 140 characters?

  5. I still don't get Twitter, in either sense.

  6. A friend of mine has this email sig:
    I am not on MySpace. I am not on Facebook. I am not LinkedIn. I do not "Tweet."

    Although his luddite image is sort of spoiled because he *DOES* have a Wikipedia entry. Although, as he says, "so do the Amish."

  7. John Peddie (Toronto)10:47 AM, February 26, 2011

    Canaries "tweet".

    People write.

    AFAIK, Dickens and Shakespeare did not limit themselves to 140 characters.

    But then, they actually had something to say.

  8. Sorry about your boo-boo, but that opens up a whole world of possibilities for humor on Twitter, though. The first one that came to my mind was,

    "Where is Tam's finger now?"

  9. Long as it's not the Trigger Finger, don't sweat it. If it IS the Trigger Finger, then you have a perfect opportunity to practice your Disabled Hand Drills. Sounds like a Silver Lining Scenario to me.

  10. Borepatch & John Peddie:

    "AFAIK, Dickens and Shakespeare did not limit themselves to 140 characters."

    Sometimes brevity
    Really is the soul of wit
    A whole new art form.

  11. Weer'd,

    I'm not emo enough for LJ, and never did MySpace because I don't have a band...

    I also don't "chat" because I'm slow.

  12. I tried to go on twitter to see what was coming out of Egypt, then Libya.
    It's frustratingly retarded.

  13. Tam? Slow? Anybody who's heard you in conversation knows better than THAT.

    But you know... There's nothing to stop you from tweeting on your blog. I mean... why diffuse your traffic?


  14. Which finger? Trigger, or one of the other ones stuck on just for grip and balance?

  15. Haiku FTW!

    I'm going to start posing all my tweets in Haiku. Maybe blog comments, too. Oh, wait ...

  16. "I also don't "chat" because I'm slow."

    Heh. I understand. Chat is the Speed-Chess of commenting as there is some form of virtual clock your dealing with which is akin to conversation.

    Requires alot of practice to maintain accuracy.

    In conversation I am rather mild to talk to as it takes a while for me to get riled up about something someone has said (and if they said something obnoxious, I need to stay silent as I am busy trying throttle my impulse for a little stress-reduction)


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