Friday, March 04, 2011

I had the weirdest dream...

We were in this scenic little town... well, maybe it was more of a small city... somewhere in the Appalachians. Bobbi had gotten a job there working on airplane radios for something that was like a state militia or something. I'm thinking that wherever this was was in some alternate Wookietopian future where the Free State Project succeeded or something.

Anyway, Bobbi had a Ford Taurus, and we were driving Michael Z. Williamson from the airfield to a Science Fiction convention in town. There were a lot of really neat old three- and four-story Victorian houses. Every element of the dream is pretty easily traceable to stuff from yesterday, except Mad Mike; I have no idea how he got in there.


  1. OK, I want to play, too. At 2130 I'm ordering a pizza with anchovies, onions, peppers, bologna and sausage, washed down with PBR, and followed by Slim Jims. We'll duel - dreams at 0630 tomorrow!

  2. Hmm. A little touch of Hokie fever?

    Small town in the Appalachians? Check.

    Local airport? Check.

    Science Fiction convention? Check.

    The only thing missing is "a lot of" Victorian houses. We've only got one or two.

    But still, all of you are always welcome here! :D

  3. I did have a Gnawbone Pale Ale with my bacon & black olive pizza for supper, now that you mention it...

  4. Pursuant to a previous post, the SHO taurus these days is a tasty little tardis; it parks like a big Honda but is a Checker Cab inside. The AWD lets it corner like it's on rails and the accel isn't too shabby. I drove one out at Blackhawk farms last year, and I liked it an awful damned lot. And the trunk has room for several bodies.

  5. Was it Hackettstown, NJ? Foothills of the Poconos (which are foothills anyhow).
    Dinky airport behind the Walmart. Lots and lots of Victorian houses. Wookie suiters can be found a couple mile west at the Shongum range.

    I wish there was a Sci-Fi convention here.

  6. I dreamed about YOU earlier this week. No, not one of THOSE dreams. That would be rude. In this dream we were house clearing with 1911s in an old industrial building, circa about the same era as that drill press RobertaX wants. You were in the lead. I was impressed about how competent, confident, and relaxed you were. Almost casual. It was a piece of cake. Searching for bad guy was new to me, but you acted like you do that all the time.

    I have no idea how you got in there, since I've never met you. Well, other than here on the intertoobs.

  7. Maybe the scenic town was Berkeley Springs, West Virginia?

  8. Og: Speaking of the TARDIS effect, I got a huge surprise last week discussing cars with a buddy of mine whose GF is looking to acquire a set of wheels. One of her parameters was that it needed to be relatively short, as she lives in Capitol Hill in Seattle. (Very dense, parking is fantastically obnoxious most of the time.)

    I listed a number of things, he came back with "Jeep Cherokee". I said that didn't seem to fit the 'parking' parameter very well, and he pointed out how long it is. 167 inches stem to stern. That's 5 inches shorter than my old Mk4 Jetta! And I'd have considered the Jetta to be a fairly compact car.

    I boggled. Heck, I'm still sort of mildly boggled over it. It just doesn't seem possible.

  9. perlhaqr,

    It's easy to forget that the XJ Cherokees are minipickup-sized vehicles. (My ex had a Commanche, which was a Cherokee on the half-shell.)

  10. "...alternate Wookietopian future where the Free State Project succeeded or something."

    I keep dreaming about the one where all the local home-schooled kids get together to run a bake sale for the express purpose of buying the local militia a tank or an APC.

    When the locals reach that level of preparedness, everyone who's a member of the town militia gets into a higher "contributed to the common defense" tax break bracket.

  11. Ya had me until "Taurus"....

    (WV - "boyoutd"

    I had no idea......

  12. When you figure out where it is, let me know, we're moving.

  13. D.W., Tam, obviously it's Cazador Alabama, population 682....

    Al T.

  14. That new twin-turbo Taurus SHO imported from Detroit looks like it might actually get out of its own way!


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