Friday, March 04, 2011

Important tip:

To those who say things like "What's a Facebook?" in the comments section of a blog: You don't get bonus Luddite points for using the internet, but only a little bit. ;)


  1. I guess it depends on "What's a Facespace?" is a serious question, or a smart-assed way to say "I don't do Facebook, etc."

  2. A little bit social leads to be being a little bit pregnant, I guess?

  3. "Whether". "Whether it's a serious question..."

    Hey, thanks to the internet I'm being far more social than I've ever been; sometimes, more social than I'm comfortable with...

  4. Originally thought facebook was a scrapbook Hannibal Lecter put together.

    Ulises from CA

    (Just Kidding!)

  5. Basefook is the four Sanfroid guys renting the downstairs end-unit all working there believing they are Winning The Future. One keeps forgetting his keys and has to climb in the window. I'm not social enough for that.

  6. Some of us, to remain nameless (coughtamcough), have in the past made rather a point of being determined late-adopters of the newest and popularest gimcracks and whizbangs...I liked that.

    Curmudgeon? Why yes, why do you ask?


  7. I wasn't doing it out of a sense of moral superiority, though.

    I already have three ways of failing to keep in touch with people I care about (mail, phone, and email) so why add more?

  8. But I resemble that remark... Don't have a cellphone, neither....

  9. "I wasn't doing it out of a sense of moral superiority"

    No, just doing your shtick... ;)

    Good to know that those you *don't* care about are safely kept in touch with the old standbys (blog, twits, effbook). Why add more indeed?


  10. AT,

    Funny note: My mom goes on at length every Christmas about how a couple of my aunts and uncles send out "family newsletters" every holiday season to keep the fam up to date with what's going on.

    "Mom, if you want to know what I'm doing, you don't have to wait 'til Christmas to find out; I update daily!"

  11. I could get down with social networking, were it not for the "social" part of it.


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